バイオフィードバック・システムのためのプログラミング言語 : 新しいBASIC言語及び, pascal, Cの紹介
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The author reports on the new types of programming languages that can be used by biofeedback systems. The new languages --Turbo pascal, Quick BASIC, and Quick c --are characterized by their high quality performance and notably inexpensive prices. The merits of these languages for researchers who develop biofeedback systems are several. First, that they can easily use external routines (for example, those written in Machine language and those written by other programmers) together with reserved words. Secondly, the languages provide a good programming environment which that faciliates the speed of programming. It has also been found that the similarity in grammar may be beneficial to BASIC programmers in using Quick BASIC.
- 日本バイオフィードバック学会の論文
- 1991-06-01
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- バイオフィードバック・システムのためのプログラミング言語 : 新しいBASIC言語及び, pascal, Cの紹介