- 論文の詳細を見る
It has been made clear by some researches conducted in the past that SCL, as one of the indices of GSR, reflects psychological states. The present research attempted to inspect by the following experiments whether SCL can serve as a stable and sensitive index for psychophysiological states applicable to the biofeedback method. In Experiment I, the authors investigated to what extent SCL is influenced by the load voltage on organic bodies. Eight physically and mentally healthy men and women were used as subjects. The electrodes used in this experiment were the GSR Electrodes manufactured by Nihon Koden. Used as apparatus were the direct voltage source and resistance connected in series with organic bodies, and the volt meter connected in parallel with organic bodies. When the load voltage-SCL characteristics were examined by changing the amount of resistance, as a whole, no remarkable tendency of SCL changing with the change in load voltage was observed. In Experiment II, correlations between the spontaneous SCR while the subjects were at rest, and the SCL which was considered to be the background change of SCR, were examined. Eight physically and mentally healthy men and wome were chosen as subjects. The electrodes were the same as those used in Experiment I. Used as apparatus was the GSR detector manufactured by Nihon Koden, from which output was taken and recorded by the penrecorder. When spontaneous SCR appeared, some positive correlation was observed between the size of SCR and the SCL immediately before SCR appeared. However, after SCR became very large, the value of SCL was also influenced. Therefore, this SCR is regarded as one involving the change of SCL in the backgrond, rather than a mere transitory SCR. The change of SCL itself, when the subjects were at rest, was extremely slow ; and all subjects showed a tendency of decrease in SCL. This can be presumed as reflecting the slow change toward emotional stability. In Experiment III, some artificial manipulation, such as giving external stimuli--sound and mental calculation in this case・・・was made, in order to create mental excitement momentarily in the minds of the subjects while they were at rest in an effort to examine the correlation between the transitory SCR at that moment and the SCL, which was considered to be a background change, as well as the process of change in SCL itself. Used as subjects were five mentally and physically healthy men and women ; and the electrodes and the apparatus were the same as those used in Experiment II. The sound stimulus used was a pure tone of 1000 cycles ; and it was given the subjects from the speaker fixed 1.2 meters diagonally above their ears. Used as the mental calculation stimulus was a multiplicaion of two two-dit numbers, which was given by human voice through a communication hole. When the sound stimulus was given, a positive correlation similar to the spontaneous change when the subjects were at rest was observed between SCL and SCR ; but the value of SCR was larger than that obtained when the subjects were at rest. The change of SCR to the sound stimulus was slow, and it took 15 to 20 seconds before the value returned to the level before the stimulus was given. When the mental calculation stimulus was given, a positive correlation simlar to that obtained when the sound stimulus was given was observed, but the value of SCR was larger than in the case of sound stimulus. A large change in SCL was still observed in three of the five subjects even 20 seconds later, which indicated that the change of SCR and that of SCL itself were occurring simultaneously ; while in the two other subjects, a slow change of SCL was ob-served for more than 20 seconds, indicating that mental calculation was continuing during that time. From the above three experiments, it is presumed that although SCL is correlated with SCR, the former changes considerably more slowly than the latter. In other words, SCL is regarded as a psychobiological response which reacts sharply to internal and external stimuli, and yet changes slowly itself. Therefore, SCL is considered able to serve as a stable and yet sensitive index of organic responses applicable to the biofeedback method.
- 日本バイオフィードバック学会の論文
- 1985-06-30
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