心拍率の有意制御におけるFeedback Timing
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this experiment was to test whether feedback display timing is necessary to synchronize with R-wave of the cardiac cycle and to further examine the effects of feedback delay during voluntary heart rate control. Analogue heart rate feedback of each beat and target zone were presented on a TV display. The target zone, a triangular-shaped wave, was ±20 msec wide. Its zero crossing point was equal to the running baseline heart rate of each subject and its peak points were ±75 msec from the baceline. Fourteen subjects received thirty 100-beat trials. All subjects were required to put their heart rate into the target zone as much as possible under five different conditions, immediate, R-desynchronized (variable delay less than one-beat), one-beat delay, three-beat delay and no feedback conditions. Results indicated that the task performances for both the R-desynchronized and one-beat delay feedback conditions were lower than that of immediate feedback condition but higher than the three-beat delay feedback condition. The performance for no feedback condition was the lowest. The findings of this experiment show that very short delay of the feedback can disturb the performance of voluntary heart rate control. But further research is necessary to determine whether the disturbed performance for the R-desynchronized condition is due to R-desyncronized effect itself or delay feedback effect of less than one-beat.
- 日本バイオフィードバック学会の論文
- 1981-06-30
- 慢性呼吸器疾患患者の安静時および運動時呼吸運動
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- バイオフィードバックによる心拍率制御と運動制御との比較
- 心拍率の有意制御におけるFeedback Timing(II)
- 心拍率の有意制御におけるFeedback Timing
- 心拍率制御における遅延feedbackの効果
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