Histochemical study on creatine kinase of developing and denervated rat muscle
Dept. Gynec., Kyoundo Hosp., Sasaki Institute
Kishino Y.
Dept. Of Pathol. School Of Medicine Tokushima Univ.
Wegmann R.
Institut d'Histochemie Medicale, Faculte de Medecine de Paris
Kishino Y.
Dept. Gynec. Kyoundo Hosp. Sasaki Institute
Wegmann R.
Institut D'histochemie Medicale Faculte De Medecine De Paris
- 1. Cytologic Study on DNA Contents of Atypical Cells in Uterine Cervical Lesions, Especially on Correlation of DNA Contents with Cell Cycle
- 161. Relationship between Injury at the Delivery and CPK
- Histochemical study on creatine kinase of developing and denervated rat muscle
- 16. A Study on Assessment of Prognosis of Radiothrapy for Cacer of Uterine Cervix
- 313. Antineoplastic Activity and Side Effects of Prostaglandin Derivatives : With Chief Regards on in vivo Study
- 155. Histogenesis of Pelvic Endometriosis
- 253. Basic Study on the lrradiation and Hyperthermia Therapy of Uterine Cervical Carcinoma