Expression analysis of activin receptor interacting protein (ARIP) in Xenopus
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Activin receptor interacting protein (ARIP) is a newly isolated protein from mouse using two-hybrid method. As a result of cDNA cloning of Xenopus ARIP (xARIP), 6448 bp of cDNA sequences were obtained, and deduced amino acid sequence was 84% identical to mouse ARIP (ARIP1). RT-PCR analysis showed that maternal xARIP mRNA gradually decreased after invagination, and zygotic expression of xARIP mRNA started at early tail-bud stage. The spatial expressions of xARIP were localized in eyes, brain and especially in glomus at late tail-bud stage. Microinjection of xARIP mRNA showed no effect on embryonic development, but injection of truncated mRNA of xARIP coding only the fifth PDZ domain showed distinct defect in embryos as follows. The invagination was delayed and gastrulation wasn't completed. At late tail-bud stage, heavy defect of pharynx and heart were observed. Pronephric tubes were formed, but pronephros was deformed and expanded. These phenotypes (except malformation in pronephros), might be able to be explained in the point of defect in predicted pharyngeal endoderm, the fore part of organizer region Microinjection of Antisense morpholino oligo of xARIP (moARIP) showed heavier deformed pronephros and resultant edema. These findings suggest that maternal xARIP mRNA may play a role in pharyngeal endoderm formation, and zygotic xARIP mRNA might participate in the patterning of eye and brain and especially have critical role in pronephros formation.
- 日本組織細胞化学会の論文
浅島 誠
東京大学大学院 総合文化研究科 生命環境科学系
Okabayashi Koji
Dept. Of Anatomy Kyorin University School Of Medicine
Okabayashi Koji
Kawakami Hayato
Department of Anatomy, Kyorin University School of Medicine
Asashima Makoto
University Of Tokyo
Tsuchida Kunihiro
Inst for Enzyme Research, University of Tokushima
Shoji Hiroki
Dept. of Endocrinology, Kagawa Medical University
Sugino Hiromu
Inst for Enzyme Research, University of Tokushima
Kawakami Hayato
Dept. of Anatomy, Kyorin University School of Medicine
Asashima Makoto
Dept. of Life Science, University of Tokyo
Asashima M
Sopst Project Japan Science And Technology Agency(jst):department Of Life Science (biology) Graduate
Asashima Makoto
Department Of Life Sciences (biology) Graduate School Of Arts And Sciences The University Of Tokyo:i
Asashima Makoto
Core Research For Evolutional Science And Technology Japan Science And Technology Corporation
Asashima Makoto
Sorst Japan Science And Technology Corporation (jst) The University Of Tokyo:department Of Life Scie
Asashima M
Dept. Of Life Science University Of Tokyo
Asashima Makoto
Department Of Biology The University Of Tokyo
Tsuchida Kunihiro
Inst For Enzyme Research University Of Tokushima
Asashima Makoto
Dept. Biophys. And Life Sci. Grad. Sch. Arts & Sci. The Univ. Of Tokyo
Kawakami Hayato
Second Dep. Of Anatomy Dep. Of Biochemistry Kyorin Univ. School Of Medicine
Kawakami Hayato
Dept. Of Anatomy Kyorin University School Of Medicine
Shoji Hiroki
Dept. Of Endocrinology Kagawa Medical University
Asashima M
Department Of Life Sciences (biology) Graduate School Of Arts And Sciences University Of Tokyo
Sugino Hiromu
Inst For Enzyme Research University Of Tokushima
Kawakami H
Department Of Anatomy Kyorin University School Of Medicine
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