Thymidine phosphorylase-positive dendritic cells characterize the histogenesis of gastric B-cell malignant lymphomas
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2nd Dept. of Anatomy, Kagoshima University, Faculty of Medicine Histogenesis of gastric B-cell malignant lymphomas (gBMLs) was analyzed from the point of view of thymidine phosphorylase (TP)-expressing stromal cells in 34 cases comprising 11 cases of MALT type and 24 cases of DLBL by means of immunohistochemistry. Lymphocytes and stromal cells were labeled by ABC method of anti- TP antibody, CD3,CD5,CD79a, CD21 , CD68, and anti-S 100 protein antibody. Many TP+ DCs were found among lymphoma cells in 8 cases of MALT type and 17 cases of DLBL. And many CD68+ stromal cells were seen in 9 cases of MALT type and 22 cases of DLBL. There were many intermingling CD3+ T-cells in the most cases. In the germinal center (GC) colonization stromal cells were positive for CD21 , CD68 and TP, but in DLBL the stromal cells expressed weakly TP as the meshwork of CD21+ follicular DCs (FDCs) was destroyed. Thus, many CD68+ and/or TP+ DCS and intermingling T-cells were recognized in gBMLs as its characteristic histogenesis, suggesting that TP+ DCs derived from CD68+ macrophages. As TP+ cells in the GC colonization included CD21 + FDCs, expression of TP may be a feature of activated DCs. (A co-operative study with Prof. Xin-shan Jia, China Medical University, Shenyang, People's Republic of China)
- 日本組織細胞化学会の論文
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