Element Constituents of Granules in Neurons of Monkey Substantia Nigra
- A-34 Electron and ion microscopy of splenic granule cells of African toad for element constituents on fresh frozen dried ultrathin sections
- Distribution of Dendritic Cells in the Lymphoid Tissue of lnterleukin 2 Receptor γ Chain Knockout Mouse
- A Rapid and Simple Fixation-Staining Technique of Fresh Frozen Cryostat Sections for SIMS Microscopy
- Repeated Antigen Challenge Modulates Expression of Follicular Dendritic Cell(FDC) Related Molecule in Draining Lymph Nodes
- Applying secondary ion mass spectrometry to the analysis of elements in goblet cells of conjunctiva
- Fine structures of the rat lymph node after Deferoxamine administration
- Ferritin containing cells in the cytoplasm of the rat lymph nodes and kidney
- Elements and organic substances in epiretinal proliferative tissue excised during vitreous surgery : analysis by time-of -flight secondary-ion mass spectrometry
- Elastic fibers associated with collagenous fibrils in the rat lymph-node reticular cells
- Ultrastructural Localization of Adenylate Cyclase in Rat Lymph Nodes