Evidence for the Existence of Substance P-containing Pathway from the Nucleus Laterodorsalis Tegmenti to the Lateral Septal Area of the Rat.
Tohyama Masaya
Department of Anatomy, Osaka University Medical School
Department of Neuroanatomy, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity, Osaka University Medical School
Department of Neuroanatomy, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity, Osaka University Medical School
Tohyama Masaya
Department Of Anatomy (ii) Osaka University Medical School
Shiotani Yahe
Department Of Neuroanatomy Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka University Medical School
Shiotani Yahe
Department Of Neuroanatonty Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka University Medmcal School
Sakanaka Masahiro
Department Of Neuroanatonty Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka University Medmcal School
Sakanaka Masahiro
Department Of Anatomy Ehime University
Tohyama Masaya
Department Of Neuroanatonty Institute Of Higher Nervous Activity Osaka University Medmcal School
- Synaptic input from dopaminergic fibers to neuropeptide Y neurons in the rat neostriatum.
- Somatostatin-like immunoreactive neurons and axonterminals in the substantia gelatinosa of rat spinal cord(L2-3)
- Experimental analysis of the fiber connection of the peptidergic systems in the central nervous system of the rat. I.
- Distribution of somatostatin in the rat central nervous system. I. Ontogenical aspects.
- Regional distribution of somatostatin in the avian central nervous system.
- Distribution of somatostatin in the fish brain (Carp)
- Distribution of somatostatin in the frog brain, Rana catesbiana.
- Morphological study on neuropeptides in the rat spinal cord (I)
- Ontogeny of the enkephalinergic neuron system in the rat lower brain stem
- Organization of some neuropeptides in the dorsal pontine tegmentum of the rat