Acid Phosphatase Activity in the Ameloblast and the Osteoclast of Young Rat
Kurahashi Yoshiaki
Department Of Oral Pathology Tokyo Dental College
Kurahashi Yoshiaki
Department Of Pathology Tokyo Dental College
Yoshiki Syusaku
Department Of Pathology Tokyo Dental College
- Light and Electron Microscopic Localization of Non-specific Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in Early Stage of Dentin Matrix Formation
- 2. Electron Microscopic Localization of Phosphatases in the Ameloblasts and the Odontoblasts during Odontogenesis (Electron Microscopic Histo- and Cytochemistry,Recent Progress in Phosphatase Cytochemistry)
- Acid Phosphatase Activity in the Ameloblast and the Osteoclast of Young Rat