- 論文の詳細を見る
Changes in the fundamental frequency and intensity were measured for utterances of the five Japanese vowels and a sentence of greeting and a song by 42 deaf and hard of hearing children (aged 6 to 11), and their characteristics were studied in comparison with those of 9 normal children (aged 7 to 12). Characteristic differences between defective speech and normal speech were found in the relationships between the following : variation among fundamental frequency of each of the five vowels for each subject and his hearing loss, average fundamental frequency in greeting for each subject and his age, the total duration and the duration of voiced portions in greeting, and accuracies of rhythm and note in singing. Correlation between these physical characteristics. physiological characteristics and the evaluations of the speech of deaf and hard 00 hearing children was examined by means of principal component analysis.
- 社団法人日本音響学会の論文
- 1975-03-01
- 音声情報処理の将来を考える
- サウンド・スペクトログラフによる病的音声の分析
- 嗄声の音響分析的研究
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- 日本語における外来語のアクセント付加モデル
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- 植込型人工中耳の技術開発の展望
- 77 音声の音響的特徴の視覚表示器を用いた発声発語訓練の指導書の作成
- 76 聴覚障害児のための音声の韻律的特徴の受容と表出の訓練方法
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- 第3回世界音声学会議
- ダイナミック・パラトグラフィとその応用
- 聴覚障害児教育国際会議
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- C-25 難聴児のための補聴器のテレフォンコイルの種々の活用法
- B-31 難聴児の補聴器の選択と活用のためのプログラム
- 読話と残存聴能の活用との相互関係 : 音節認知と単語認知の関連及びその個人性
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- 病的音声における聴覚心理的パラメ-タ
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- 音声障害の音響分析的研究--音響分析の診断への利用に関する研究の基本的考え方
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- Acoustical parameters relevant to diagnosis in voice disorders