室の形の定常態伝送特性におよぼす影響 : 第1報 扇形室による理論的考察
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The steady-state transmission characteristics of a fan-shaped room, taken up as an example of a splayed room, were analysed mathematically. In this analysis, the wave type factor "eN", developed by Morse and others, was used. The factors eN together with the distribution of the normal modes of the model were compared with those of a rectangular room. The results were as follows: The fan-shaped room with ρν⋍1. 2〜1. 4 has good characteristics in the frequenccy region of less than about 200 c/s where ρν is the ratio of the outer to the inner radius of the room. And the fan-shaped room with ρν⋍1. 2〜1. 4 corresponds to a room with l/a=0. 09〜0. 17, where l is given by l=b/2tan φ__0, φ__ν and b being angle of splay and the distance between the parallel walls of the room respectively. These results show good agreement with facts known from experience and with the results of our experiment to be described in our next paper.
- 社団法人日本音響学会の論文
- 1954-12-30
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