帯状音響放射体III : 扁平回転楕円体帯状音響放射体
- 論文の詳細を見る
A series of analysis for the zonal sound radiator has been performed. As the last part of these research, the analysis for the zonal vibration of an oblate spheroid has been developed in this paper. The directivity of radiated sound pressure and power, and the radiation impedance have been calculated. Four previous results, i. e. the data on cylinder, prolate spheroid, sphere, and oblate spheroid, were compared with each other. These data may be usefull for the design of the wide frequency range mushroom sound radiator.
- 社団法人日本音響学会の論文
- 1953-09-30
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- 364 杉並公会堂の1/25立体模型による音響試験 : 特に開閉反射板の効果について(計画・設備)
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- 9 福島県会議事堂の音響特性(その一) : I 音響計画、モデル実験、音響設計
- 室の音響特性の測定装置
- 紙の弾性常数に関する模型的考察
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