クロス・スペクトル法による移動音源解析 : ドプラー効果による周波数シフトの一除去法
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This paper describes the analyzing method of a moving sound source using the cross-spectral technique. On a condition that the Doppler effect due to movement of a sound source cannot be neglected, the observed signal is non-stationary even if the signal of the moving sound source is stationary. So the direct analysis using conventional techniques is not sufficiently effective. The analyzing method proposed in this paper reduces the frequency shift of the observed signal. The compensation of the Doppler effect is realized by compensating the propagation delay. In other words, a moving sound source is treated as a fixed sound source, so that the other sound sources, both the other moving ones and fixed ones, are treated as moving sound sources if they have relative velocity to the specific sound source. From this point of view, this method has a possibility to work as a selective detector of a specific source. To evaluate the performance of this method, a simple experiment was carried out. The results of the experiment show the effectiveness of this method. Also the errors in the reduction of the Doppler effect and requirement of this method are considered.
- 社団法人日本音響学会の論文
宇佐川 毅
Faculty of Engineering, Kumamoto University
江端 正直
Faculty of Engineering,Kumamoto University
奥田 襄介
Faculty of Engineering,Kumamoto University
松野 浩二
Faculty Of Engineering Kumamoto University
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