- 論文の詳細を見る
Digital simulation of sound field in the horizontal plane was carried out using orthostereophonic system (OSS). In simulations, several combinations of head and torso simulator (HATS) and equalizing networks were applied for a specified subject. On the other hand, a new method of analyzing the directional hearing in the horizontal plane was proposed. With the results of localization tests, the proposed method has demonstrated that: (1) Sound image directions and its quality as a difference between original and simulated sound field was estimated; The value 2. 3 deg in error mean square for estimating the sound image direction difference and the value 0. 78 in correlation coefficient for estimating the sound image quality difference were obtained, respectively. (2) For the given errors of sound image quality and direction, the tolerance limits of OSS performance as the interaural difference margin were illustrated using the proposed method.
- 社団法人日本音響学会の論文
浜田 晴夫
Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Tokyo Denki University
小椋 靖夫
Department Of Electrical Communication Engineering Tokyo Denki University
池庄司 伸夫
Department of Electrical Communication Engineering,Tokyo Denki University
三浦 種敏
Department of Electrical Communication Engineering,Tokyo Denki University
三浦 種敏
三浦 種敏
池庄司 伸夫
Department Of Electrical Communication Engineering Tokyo Denki University
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