小児睾丸腫瘍の治療成績 : 主として胎児性癌について
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The statistics and therapy of testicular tumors, especially embryonal carcinoma, in children are reported with a comprehensive review from literatures. I. Statistical study 1. A total of 93 cases of testicular tumors were treated in our hospital from January 1964 to December 1973, of which 20 cases (21.5%) occurred in childhood. 2. The testicular tumors in our series consisted of 16 embryonal carcinomas, 2 mature teratomas, 1 myxosarcoma and 1 malignant lymphoma. The age distribution was less than 3 years and 4 months in germinal cell tumors, but 2 nongerminal cell tumors were seen at 6 and 9 years. The time interval between tumor detection and orchiectomy was less than 6 months, except one case of mature teratoma operated after 1 year and 10 months. They were all estimated to be in stage I by abdominal palpation, IVP or lymphography and chest X-ray. 3. Fifteen out of 16 cases of embryonal carcinoma are alive and well more than I year with an observed 5-year-survival rate of 92.3%. 4. Four cases of teratomas and nongerminal cell tumors are alive and well more than 8 years after the orchiectomy with or without post-operative irradiation to the retroperitoneal lymph nodes. II. Treatment and results of 16 cases of embryonal carcinoma 1 . Three cases receiving orchiectomy alone are living well more than 10 years. In one case, the recurrent residual spermatic cord was extirpated and irradiated at the age of 3. 2. Seven cases received orchiectomy and irradiation, six of which are alive and well more than 3 years. One case died of retroperitoneal lymph nodes metastasis 18 months later in spite of the prophylactic irradiation of 2,900 rad/25 fractions/48 days. 3. Two cases operated on for orchiectomy with retroperitoneal lymph nodes dissection and irradiation are alive and well more than 6 years. 4. Four cases received orchiectomy and dissection, 3 of which are alive and well more than I year. One case, developing 2 pulmonary metastatic lesions 6 months later, was cured by irradiation with bleomycin and alive well under the control of anticancer drugs for 2 years. 5. All lymph nodes disseced were found histologically negative in 6 cases. 6. No growth retardation of body length and weight was observed due to the prophylactic irradiation to retroperitoneal lymph nodes. Lameness was seen in one case 4 years after the irradiation to the metastatic lesions of spermatic cord at the left coxal region. III. Treatment planning according to stage 1 . Early histological diagnosis and accurate staging are important for treatment planning. Lymphogram or direct transperitoneal palpation of the retroperitoneal lymph nodes at orchiectomy are recommended. 2. High orchiectomy should be performed in all patients. 3. Orchiectomy alone might be enough in controlling children in stage I less than 2-year-old. For boys in stage I more than 2-year-old, the prophylactic irradiation of 3,000-4,000 rad/4-5 weeks to the retroperitoneal lymph nodes might be necessary. 4. For the cases in stage II, dissection of lymph nodes should be performed with or without postoperative irradiation and chemotherapy. IV. Other finding The activities of serum lactic dehydrogenase changed in parallel with growth or regression of tumor size. Values of LDH in cases of favorable course ranged between 300 and 600 units.
- 社団法人日本泌尿器科学会の論文
- 1975-07-20
- 精巣(睾丸)腫瘍の治療効果判定基準
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- 膀胱粘膜下肉芽腫性病変の1例 : 第454回東京地方会
- 腎外傷の3例 : 第312回東京地方会
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- 各種泌尿器科手術後の腎機能,特に遠隔予後の検討 : 第342回東京地方会
- 睾丸腫瘍患者の睾丸に関する機能的形態学的研究 : 第II報
- ジャイロスコープX線撮影装置による膀胱二重造形 : 第354回東京地方会
- 膀胱尿道異物の症例 : 第3回神奈川地方会
- 腎血管筋脂肪腫の2例 : 第48回東部連合総会
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- 前立腺癌の術中照射 : 第372回東京地方会
- 陰茎癌の臨床的観察 : とくにその遠隔予後について
- 陰茎癌治療成績 : 第38回東部連合地方会
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- 褐色細胞腫の3例について : 第304回東京地方会
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- 膀胱エンドメトリオージスの2例 : 第351回東京地方会
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- 単睾丸症の3例 : 第348回東京地方会
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- 当教室10年間における馬蹄鉄腎症例の検討 : 第342回東京地方会
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- 両側睾丸腫瘍の4例 : 第322回東京地方会
- 陰茎持続勃起症の1例 : 第313回東京地方会
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