移植腎保存の実験的研究 : 保存腎の組織化学的酵素活性およびミトコンドリア機能について
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The canine kidneys were preserved at a low temperature (2°-4℃) in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber (3ATM) up to 168 hours. These kidneys had been removed few minutes after autotransplantation and examined for histochemical enzyme activities and mitochondrial respiration. The following results were obtained. 1. Histological findings (H.E.stain) Although great individual differences are seen in the histological findings, the changes such as dissociation of the epithelium of the proximal tubuli begin to appear at about 24 hours of preservation. Generally hyperemia of interstitial capillaries, especially those in the renal medulla, is intense. The interstitium is somewhat edematous. At about 72 hours of preservation, dilatation and hyperemia of the glomerular arterioles are markedly intensified and the presence of vascular disturbance can be inferred. However, even at 168 hours of kidney preservation some healthy nephrons persist. 2. Histochemical enzyme activities Enzyme activities of LAP, SDH, ATP-ase, β-G,Al-p-ase and Acid-p-ase were studied. There was a great variation in enzyme activities in each specimens. However, almost no change was noted in ATP-ase. Other histochemical enzyme activities decreased in parallel with degeneration of the renal tubular epithelium. As the time of preservation lengthens, the areas of decreasing activities progress in extent. However, even at 168 hours some nephrons retain enzyme activities and some healthy nephrons persist. Changes during this period are continuous and it is difficult to judge at what degree of disappearance the viability of the whole kidneic is irretrievably lost.
- 社団法人日本泌尿器科学会の論文
- 1972-11-20
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