「上部尿路通過障碍腎の電子顕微鏡学的研究」 : 第2編 臨床例水腎症における糸球体の変化について
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Thirty-five kidneys with upper urinary tract obstruction due to various causes were studied electron-microscopically. Biopsy was made on the kidney cortex and the changes ofglomerulus were studied. The results are summarized as follows : 1) Changes in glomerular epithelial cells : Proliferation was observed in many of congenital origins and a change of the pedicles was much related to proteinuria. Changes in glomerular endothelial cells were very little. Changes in the capillary basement membrane : Thickening was accompanied by winding in many cases, the thickest being 1.4 μ. (I defined thickness over 4000 A as thickening.) The glomerulus with severe hyaline degeneration light-microscopically was observed electron-microscopically to retain the form of the basement membrane. Changes in mesangium : Proliferations of various degrees were observed in thirty three cases. Changes in Bowman's capsule : Thickening above the grade (++) was observed in thirteen cases and the thickest was 6 μ. (I defined thickness over 10000 A as thickening.) 2) Changes related to the cause of upper urinary tract obstruction : Severe changes were observed in the retrocaval ureter, infiltration of carcinoma uteri and renal stone. 3) Changes related to the site of upper urinary tract obstruction : The nearer to kidney pelvis obstruction was, so severe as the changes were. 4) Changes related to proteinuria : Many changes of glomerular epithelial cells, especially of the pidicles and capillary basement membrane were observed in the cases of proteinuria. 5) Changes related to hypertension (above max. B.P. 150 mmHg) : Thickening of glomerular capillary basement membrane was observed and membrane-like material was produced. 6) Changes related to infections of the urinary tract : Changes were severe in the cases which were accompanied by or had undergone infections of the urinary tract. Proliferation of the mesangium and thickening of the basement membrane and Bowman's capsule were observed. 7) Changes related to renal function : Changes were found to correspond with the findings of I.V.P. In the cases of severe renal dysfunction, proliferation of the mesangium, thickening of the basement membrane and proliferation of the endothelial cells were observed. 8) Some of other special observations by electron-microscopy are also reported.
- 社団法人日本泌尿器科学会の論文
- 1968-11-20
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- 「上部尿路通過障碍腎の電子顕微鏡学的研究」 : 第2編 臨床例水腎症における糸球体の変化について
- 「上部尿路通過障碍腎の電子顕微鏡学的研究」 : 第1編: 実験的水腎における糸球体の変化について
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