- 論文の詳細を見る
The urinary sediments of 75 patients with urinary tract infections (30 patients with acute pyelonephiritis 25 patients with chronic pyelonephritis, 10 patients acute cystitis and 10 patients with chronic cystitis) were studied with a direct immunofluorescence technique in order to detect the presence of antibody-coated bacteria (ACB). The serum immunoglobulin levels were measured in 44 of 75 patients. the results obtained were as follows: 1) ACB were present in the urine from a) 27 of 30 patients (90.0 per cent) with acute pyelonephiritis and b) 19 of 25 patients (76.0 per cent) with chronic pyelonephritis. ACB were not observed in the urine from 20 patients with acute or chronic cystitis. 2) Thirty-seven of 46 immunofluorescence positive urine specimens were examined using fluorescein-conjugated monospecific antisera. Coated bacteria with IgG were found in all 37(29.7 per cent). 3) The detection ACB was not influenced by the bacterial species. 4) There was no significant difference in the serum immunoglobulin levels between the patients with ACB in urine (ACB positive patients) and the patients without ACB in urine (ACB negative patients). 5) There was no siginificant difference in the urinary immunoguloblin levels between the ACB positive patients and the ACB negative patients, but there was significant increase of serum antibody titer noted in the ACB positive patients compared with the ACB negative patients. It is suggested that the ACB test may be a useful method for localization of the site of urinaty tract infections.
- 社団法人日本泌尿器科学会の論文
- 1978-10-20
- 尿道内カテーテル留置の尿路および前立腺感染に及ぼす影響に関する研究 (第1報) : 第30回泌尿器科中部総会
- 前立腺炎および下部尿路感染症に関する免疫学的研究 : antibody-coated bacteria法を中心に
- 127. 尿細胞診で移行上皮癌と診断し8カ月後に尿管癌と確診された一例(泌尿器)(第32回日本臨床細胞学会総会)
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- 脊椎骨転移に対して椎弓切除術 : 椎体置換術後に診断した前立腺癌の1例 : 第69回山陰地方会
- 脊損患者の尿失禁に対する***ロッド挿入陰茎形成術の経験 : 第68回山陰地方会
- 腎血管性高血圧症の1例(第59回山陰地方会)
- 尿道瘻を主訴とせるmalignant melanomaの1例 : 第277回北陸地方会
- 前立腺横紋筋肉腫の1例 : 第24回中部連合地方会
- 下大静脈後尿管の2例 : 第298回北陸地方会
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- 興味ある経過をたどつた尿管瘤結石の1例 : 第270回北陸地方会
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- 脊損膀胱による尿失禁に対するStamey法の経験(第67回山陰地方会(春の学会))
- 女子急性尿閉の3例(第66回山陰地方会)
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- 当科における原発性膀胱尿管逆流の臨床的観察 : 第292回北陸地方会
- 上部尿路感染症の免疫学的研究
- 慢性前立腺炎における分離菌の検討 : 第276回北陸地方会