- 論文の詳細を見る
The rationale of the treatment of bladder carcinomas by a hydrostatic pressure technique has been based on the concept that increased intravesical hydrostatic pressure induces a reduction of blood circulation, thus causing ischemic damage on the carcinoma tissues, without affecting the normal bladder wall. The purpose of this study was to determine if an increased hydrostatic pressure induces a significant reduction of the blood flow within the normal bladder wall. Such a study is prerequisite for a better understanding of the hydrostatic treatment of bladder carcinomas. Twenty dogs weighing 7 to 31 kg were used in this study. Under thiamylal-Na anesthesia, the bladder and abdominal aorta were exposed by a median incision in the lower abdomen. intravesical hydrostatic pressure was increased by saline infusion via a catheter secured through a bladder fistula. Bladder wall PO_2, an index of blood flow, was continuously measured by the Yagi's polarographic oxygen electrode implanted in the muscular layers of bilateral and posterior bladder walls. Changes in the polarographic amplitudes with the increasing hydrostatic pressure were expressed as percent of the control level obtained from the same but empty bladder. The results obtained were as follows: 1) The mean increments of the bladder wall PO_2 during 100% oxygen breathing were 90±62% (1 S.D.) in the left lateral wall, 54±42% in the right lateral wall and 80±48% in the posterior wall. Thus, the Yagi's polarographic PO_2 measurement was proved to be a potentially useful tool for monitoring bladder wall PO_2 in situ. 2) During an elevation of intravesical hydrostatic pressure, the bladder wall PO_2 was decreased to 50±19% in the left lateral wall, 49±25% in the right lateral wall and 61±24% in the posterior wall, indicating a marked reduction of the blood flow within the bladder wall. The response of bladder wall PO_2 to 100% oxygen breathing was also markedly reduced, suggesting a total obstruction of blood vessels in the bladder wall. 3) The response time, a time between the beginning of O_2 breathing and the onset of PO_2 elevation was prolonged two to five folds that of the control (empty bladder) by the increased intravesical hydrostatic pressure. This is a further evidence of a marked reduction of blood flow in the bladder wall.
- 社団法人日本泌尿器科学会の論文
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