精子運動の新測定法 : 精子運動能の臨床的検討
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Sperm motility is one of the most important aspects of fertility as well as sperm count. However, there is no objectively reliable method of identifying sperm activity. A new method which expresses objectively the amount of active sperm movement was devised and its clinical application was studied. The new method,"Sperm motile efficiency", was determined in the following ways.: Using a melangeur for counting white cells, semen is diluted 20-fold with physiological saline solution. With the diluted semen on Thoma's hemocytometer, the number (N) of spermatozoa passing its small quarter line is counted for one minute and (N) is divided by the sperm density (d) in millions per ml, and the value is multiplied by 100. The formula is as follows and it is expressed by ME/min.: Sperm motile efficiency=(N)/(d)×100 ME/min. The fluctuation coefficient by procedure had a range 2.08% to 9.77%, and the normal value of sperm motile efficiency was 126.42±60.65 ME/min. In the present study, sperm motile efficiency was examined in 1087 semen specimens. The results indicated a correlation of 0.633 between sperm motile efficiency and sperm motility measured by an expart. In 472 male sterility patients, the value of sperm motile efficiency in pregnancy cases was significantly higher than in infertile cases (P<0.01). The pregnancy rate of a high motile efficiency group (50ME/min, or more) was 27.03%, and the pregnancy rate of a low motile efficiency group (less 50 ME/min) was 6.93%. In addition, the pregnancy rate of a high motile efficiency group except infertile female cases was 47.71%. Therefore, this new method is expected to be a suitable measure for actual sperm movement and fertility.
- 社団法人日本泌尿器科学会の論文
- 1979-11-20
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