精嚢腺憩室について : とくにその分類ついて
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The authers of the present report have recently diagnosed a interesting case of diverticulum of seminal vesicle, and it was confirmed by a surgical operation. Our case was a 37-years old man with chief complaints of hematospermia and having two children. His vesiculogram revealed the finding of the bilateral saccural dilatation of seminal vesicle and ampulla of vas deference, and moreover, his pyelogram suggested that he was of polycystic kidney . Such a case of the bilateral diverticulum of seminal vesicle accompanied by polycystic kidney is quite rare, the like of which has reported only in Nakazima ∓ Yanase's case (1958) in past literature. Classification of diverticulum of the seminal vesicle was discussed from the clinical point of view, and we proposed a private plan as follows: Type 1 : cystic dilatation of seminal vesicle accompaning defect of a kidney or ureter of same side. Type 2: cystic dilatation of seminal vesicle without another urogenital anomalities. Type 3: dilatation of ampulla or ductus ejaculatorius. Type 4: cystic structure from another origjn (Wolff's duct or Muller's duct) Tybe 5: bilateral dilatation of seminal vesicle and ampulla accompaning polycystic kidney. Type 6: mixed form.
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