膀胱癌に対する膀胱部分切除術の臨床的ならびに病理組織学的研究 : 第4報 尿管膀胱新吻合術の上部尿路におよぼす影響についての検討
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With the cases of partial cystectomy for bladder cancer, the clinical effect of ureteroneocystostomy on the upper urinary tract activity was studied by examining the IVP findings as well as the location of the neostomy, and the following results were obtained. 1) No VUR was found in 98% of the cases in both sides, including neostomised side, one year after the surgery. 2) No hydronephrotic sign on the IVP film could be found in 92% of the cases one year after operation. 3) IVP findings one year after the operation were investigated according to the location of the ureteroneocystostomy. Exellent results were obtained in the cases with the neostomy on the dorsal wall or the dome of the bladder, and the cases with lateral wall neostomy was subsequently followed. Most satisfactory results were obtained in the cases with the neostomy on the opposite side of partial cystectomy, even in the time of discharge. With the results obtained above, it is assumed that the uretero-neocystostomy combined with the partial cystectomy for bladder cancer shduld be performed on the lateral wall or the dome of the bladder. Furthermore, the neostomy on the opposite side seems to be effective in preventing the unexpected effect on the upper urinary tract immediately after the surgery.
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