小児の排尿機構に関する研究 : 第1報 超音波Doppler式流量計による尿流量,尿流速の研究
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Simultaneous measurements of the voiding factors: vesical pressure, urethral pressure, intraabdominal pressure, tone of anal sphincter, E.M.G. of anal sphincter including external urethral sphincter partially and flow rate or velocity were made by using a six channel polygraph. The values of measurement and patterns of voiding factors were analyzed and their correlation was studied to make clear characteristics of the voiding mechanism of normal status and obstructive diseases. This report centers about the urinary flow rate in many voiding factors. Ultrasonic Doppler flowmeter is used for the measurement of urinary flow rate. The principle, structure of the flowmeter (Fig. 2-1, 2-2), the conditions of measuring technique (Fig. 4), the method of calibration (Fig. 6, 7, 8, 10), the limit of this method due to the error of measurement (Fig. 11) and the parameters which could be determined by this method (Fig. 12) were discussed. It was concluded that this apparatus was probably useful to measure the urinary flow rate and velocity nonobstructively. Fourteen parameters were taken from the relation between the urinary flow rate and vesical pressure. Based on those, the correlation by T-test between normal boys and girls, high and low voiding voumes, normal and abnormal subjects with lower urinary tract obstructive disorder including neurogenic bladder were investigated.
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- 小児の排尿機構に関する研究 : 第1報 超音波Doppler式流量計による尿流量,尿流速の研究