小児の排尿機構に関する研究 : 第2報 膀胱内圧,尿道内圧,腹腔内圧,肛門括約筋トーヌス,肛門括約筋筋電図,尿流量率(尿流速)の同時測定による正常小児の排尿機構の追求
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Using a 6-channel polygraph, the age- and sex-bound difference of the mechanism of urination in normal children was studied through simultaneous measurement of the intra-vesical pressure, intraurethral pressure, intra-abdominal pressure, tone of the anal sphincter, EMG recording of the anal sphincter, and urinary How rate. As the results of examination on the apparatus and method of measurement (Fig. 1), instrument for measurement (Fig. 2-1; 2, Fig. 3-1, 2), errors in measurement and method of correction (Fig. 4, Fig. 5-1, 2, 3, 4, Fig. 6-1, 2), the author was convinced of the sufficient feasibility of measurement by this method. Based on the wave patterns on urination of 6 factors of urination obtained by the methods described above, 35 parameters of urination were determined. These consisted of 25 parameters directly obtained by the measurement and 10 complex parameters obtained by synthesis of the former parameters (Fig. 7-1, 2). In 98 normal children, 43 boys and 55 girls (Table 1), these parameters were measured and statistically analyzed by student's t-test (Table 2-3). The purpose of this treatment consists of (1) establishment of normal criteria in the hydrodynamic tests of urinary How in obstructive diseases of the lower urinary tract and (2) evaluation of the degree of completion of the mechanism of urination with advancing age and the functional difference of the lower urinary tract between males and females.
- 社団法人日本泌尿器科学会の論文
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- 小児の排尿機構に関する研究 : 第2報 膀胱内圧,尿道内圧,腹腔内圧,肛門括約筋トーヌス,肛門括約筋筋電図,尿流量率(尿流速)の同時測定による正常小児の排尿機構の追求
- 小児の排尿機構に関する研究 : 第1報 超音波Doppler式流量計による尿流量,尿流速の研究