腎結核における組織化學的研究(特に核酸について) : 第II編 腎組織核酸の組織内分布について
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The author studied on the kidney parenchyma, especially on the nucleic acid within it, by means of the histochemical method and obtained the following results. 1. In the relative fresh caseous focus of tuberculous kidney, many fragments of nucleus. which are constituted with high molecular DNA, exist separately in the state of granule and the focus simultaneously contains few DNA of low-molecule. 2. The increase of DNA in the tuherculous tissue of kidney depends upon the nuclei of Langhans's giant cells, epitheloid cells. lymphocytes, plasma cells and fibroblasten, based on the tuberculous changes of tissue, and also upon the DNA within caseous focus itself. 3. Desoxy-ribo-nucleic-acid-cylindroids of which Feulgen's reactions were strong or weak positive were recognized in the ratio of about 20% of the total of tuberculous kidney. These cylindroids, in the fresh case, reveal the nuclei of destructed cells but, in later, disclose the :reduction of quantity of nucleic acid and the homogeneous weak-positive reaction which has lost the specific stainability of nucleus.
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