- 論文の詳細を見る
The Ito ignimbrite, the product of a big eruption at Aira caldera about 24,500 y B. P., is distributed very extensively around the caldera in south Kyushu. The region within about 70 km from the center of the caldera was the previously known extent of distribution of the ignimbrite. Recent field research revealed, however, Iocal but extensively-scattered distribution of the ignimbrite in many places beyond the previously known extent of distribution northwest to northeast of the caldera. The farthest site of distribution of the ignimbrite is located about 90 km north of the caldera, indicating that the Ito pyroclastic flow originally spread at least 20 km farther than the previously known extent. The ignimbrite in the remote region is characteristically fine-grained compared with the one near the source. Both pumice and lithic fragments in the ignimbrite decrease, as a whole, in size with distance from source. However, the size of lithic fragments increases in the mountainous area beyond 70 km from source. This is because lithic fragments were incorporated into the pyroclastic flow from local land surface probably due to increased turbulence of pyroclastic flow during the passage on the irregular basal relief. The most remote ignimbrite, at a site 90 km from source, attains to about 35 m in thickness and contains abundant lithics of 5-15 cm in diameter, suggesting that the Ito pyroclastic flow spread farther beyond.
- 特定非営利活動法人日本火山学会の論文
- 2000-08-28
- B45 九重火山の小規模火砕流堆積物と高温岩屑なだれ堆積物
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