寒風火山文化七年(1810)噴火記録の再検討 : 江戸藩邸で創作された偽の噴火記録
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Kampu volcano is a small stratovolcano situated at the central part of Oga Peninsula, Akita Prefecture. In 1810, an earthquake as large as M 6.5 occurred near this volcano. Yoshimasa Satake, the lord of the Akita clan, wrote two official reports to the Tokugawa shogunate. They included eruption records of Kampu volcano: "Yamayake" and "Yamayakekuzure". These words were usually used for the eruption during Edo period and mean that the mountain was firing. Several reliable documents, which was written at Oga Peninsula included no eruption record. In addition, there is no eruption record in the note of Yoshimasa Satake, which is thought to have used for making the two official reports. It is concluded that the eruption descriptions of 1810 Kampu is false and created by Yoshimasa Satake at Akita clan office at Edo (Tokyo). The false eruption might have been created to make the exaggerated damage report of earthquake.
- 1998-08-31
論文 | ランダム
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