- 論文の詳細を見る
Many bedded manganese deposits are intercalated in the bedded chert formations of the Palaeozoic system in the Tamba district. As to their genesis, we consider by many lines evidence that they were formed syngenetically with the country rocks in connection with the submarine volcanic activities in the Honshu geosyncline. For the purpose of investigating the infiuence of mineralization on country rocks, we have examined the distribution of manganese and iron in them. The results obtained are as follows: 1) Manganese content is distributed asymmetrically between the hanging wall and the foot wall. Generally the content in the country rocks on the hanging-wall side is slightly denser and varies more greatly than that in the rocks on the foot-wall side. 2) The distribution of iron is considerably irregular among the hanging wall, the ore bed and the foot wall. However, the extent of the irregularity is of approximately the same between them. 3) There exists to some extent a correlation between manganese and iron contents in country rocks. We considered that these characteristics were the reflection of the original state of mineralization.
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1971-07-31
- Some Permian Radiolarians in the Tamba District, Southwest Japan
- 「京都西山地域の上部ペルム系高槻層,中部三畳系島本層及び三畳紀堆積岩複合体」論文の三畳系コンプレックスについて
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- 南西日本のペルム紀およびトリアス紀層状チャートの堆積サイクル
- Middle Permian radiolarian assemblages in the Tamba District and an adjacent area, Southwest Japan
- Late Permian radiolarian assemblages in the Tamba district and an adjacent area, Southwest Japan
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- 珪質岩中の微化石の産状 : 堆積
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- 217 カバヨスノバキュライトの微細組織について
- 丹波帯の後期古生代および中生代チャート(その2)
- 丹波帯の後期古生代および中生代チャート(その1)
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- 4.教育系大学における地学教育の現状と団体研究 : 京都教育大学と丹波団研の場合(I.京都支部における地学教育と科学運動,第29回前橋総会シンポジウム「団研と教育」)
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