- 論文の詳細を見る
The origin of the Shikoku-Philippine basin is under strong controversy. Recently rapid progress has been made in the geological and petrographical branches to clarify the geotectonic history of this area. Based on the results obtained during GDP cruise and data available, the present writers have gotten the following conclusions: 1. The crystalline schist dredged from Daito ridge makes it possible to think that the geological history of this area is older than Tertiary, as clearly seen in Yap islands where the crystalline schists are also found. 2. Submarine eruptions in late Cretaceous to Palaeogene to produce the so-called green tuff-like rocks and subsequent plutonism had played an important role for the formation of this area. 3. After these events, there might have occurred the upheaval of these continental blocks more than several kilometers above the sea level. And the upper volcanics were eroded out, under which the plutonics had been emplaced. As a result of these movements, the crystalline schists and plutonics were capable of being exposed on the surface of the plateau and rises. 4. The sinking of the plateau and rises more than 2,000 meters since late Cretaceous or early Tertiary was rcsponsible for the occurrence of plutonics in the present water depth. It is safe to conclude that the vertical movements connected with the thinning of the continental crust, namely oceanization, might have played the principal role in the Shikoku-Philippine basin.
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1976-12-30
金 容義
青木 斌
江川 龍一郎
三沢 良文
石川 政憲
石川 政憲
江川 龍一郎
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