- 論文の詳細を見る
In "normal" basins, which are consisted of clastic rocks, uniform in lithology, and not effected by any tectonic or depositional disturbance, relation between porosity n and burial depth h is expressed by equation (1), which is known as compaction equation. Compaction coefficient c_0, when it is transfered to a coefficient to lithostatic pressure p, is equivalent to compressibility, and compared to that obtained from short time test in laboratory. The former is 20 or 100 times larger than the latter. This difference is attributed to time effect of compaction process. Mechanical deformation during compaction is mostly non-elastic deformation and compaction process is irreversible. Recent progress in experimental rock deformation under high pressure has made it possible to materialize hypothetical model of compaction mechanism. Based upon change of such mechanical properties as deformational behavior, strength, compressibility, and viscosity, progress of compaction is divided into three stages. The first stage or viscous compaction-stage: the mineral grains with in the clastic rocks are not touched each other yet. The rocks behave like soil and physically rather fluid-like material. The second stage or plastic compaction-stage: the mineral grains come into contact. The rocks consist of the mechanically stable framework build up by these grains. Physically, they are plastic solid or Bingham substance. Third or elastic compaction-stage: authigenic minerals appear among the mineral grains, and cementation is common in every part with in the rocks. Probably coefficients of compaction should be different according to each compaction stage. On the other hand, an empirical equation (10) was proved to be valid between porosity n and strength σ_s, The similarity between (10) and (5) equations indicates a close relationship between development of consolidating fabric and progress of compaction. The former equation might be useful for estimation of porosity-depth relation. "Mechanical Index of Basin Evolution" is proposed here for quantitative expression of compaction in sedimentary basins. The indexes comprise seven grades from A to G as shown in Fig. 16, and the standard column was determined by porosity or equivalent physical properties of the standard areas. This (Japanesc) standard column shows agreeable grades with that in Tertiary orogenic areas like Indonesia and Switzerland. The preliminary study of the indexes among representative basins in Japan indicates much retardation of compaction in the basins along the Pacific Ocean.
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1978-11-30
- "神縄逆断層"の再検討 : 構造地質
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- 火山岩類における高圧物性とフラクチャ-との関係 (「火山岩油・ガス層の探鉱」シンポジウム特集号)
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- ジャワの新生界基底部について : 第三紀
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- 本邦産第三系堆積岩の高圧物性(その2)