- 論文の詳細を見る
To consider the structural unit of the North-eastern part of the Honshu island only from the viewpoint of present day state is not at all correct. The structural unit itself is a product of long geohistory, and has been changing greatly through ages. (II) According to my view, Volcano stratigraphy of the fossiliferous Palaeozoic formations developed in the Kitakami and the Abukuma mountains seems to have been greatly advanced but can not be viewed as the same level of study as done in the southwestern part of Japan. It is therefore too early or almost impossible to bring forth any conclusion such as that submarine volcanic activities might be probably different between the Northeast and southwestern part of Japan, either in stratigraphic sequence or in lithology. (III) The Permian Usuginu type of conglomerates include various boulders and pebbles: granite, basic plutonics, dyke rocks, altered pyroclastics and various sedimentary rocks of Devonian to Mississippian age, etc. They may represent deposits of the Molass phase of the Abean Orogeny (≒Variscan) in Late Palaeozoic time of Japan. (IV) The Tsubonosawa gneiss is clearly observed in the field to be intruded by the Higami granite, presumably of the Lower Carboniferous of the Latest Devonian by K-Ar dated age. The entire Higami granite itself is intensely mylonitized. (V) The presence of sandstone layer with kyanite and staurolite crystal grains in the Lower Devonian formation developed around the Hitachi coppermine, located in the southern Abukuma mountains is worth mentioning (J. Watanabe, 1971). (IV) and (V) suggest that Precambrian rocks may be exposed both in the Kitakami and Abukuma mountains. The Tsubonosawa gneiss and the Nishidohira gneiss may be the examples. Actually, staurolite and kyanite bearing schists are found in the Nishidohira gneiss typically developed in the west of the Hitachi mine. The structural trend of this gneiss and that of the Palaeozoic in that district is remarkably different. (VI) Sedimentary basins seem to have shifted east-wards through Mesozoic time, at least so far as their maximum thickness of deposits of those basins are concerned. Such tendency is also noticeable in the Palaeozoic basins in Northeastern Honshu. (VII) To state the relationship between the shallow subsurface structure and deeper crust of the upper mantle is not wise, without detailed informations on the structure and the lithology of both units: shallow and deep structural units. (VIII) Alteration of the Neogene deposits developed along the Japan sea coast may have occurred at least twice: the earlier phase was more extensive, and the later phase was local. New informations were given by various speakers at this symposium. These new informations seem, according to my view, to be well incorporated with the known facts to build a more reasonable framework of the structure of the Northeastern part of Japan, than before. On behalf of the organizers of this symposium, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the speakers, and to all the members of our society who kindly participated in this meeting and brought the symposium to great success.
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1974-07-31
- ユーゴスラビヤの旅
- コーカサスのぺルム系産,ワーゲノフィリッドサンゴについて
- Ohnoporaの分類上の位置について
- 札丈島-阿武隈東縁にわたる古白亜紀火山帯 : 中生代
- 十勝産Desmostylusの層準
- フリーゲル教授記載のアフガニスタン産ペルム紀サンゴの層位
- 北上山地デボン系岩石の古地時期 : 古生代
- 北海道の内陸盆地 : とくに前期更新世の陸成層の分布と層序
- 北海道の海岸平野における軟弱地盤の深度
- 日本の古生界岩石の示す古地磁極の位置
- 本邦熔結凝灰岩の研究:第2報 支笏熔結凝灰岩について
- 根釧原野の地質:とくに摩周統火山灰について
- ポロシリ氷期・トツタベツ氷期・ポロシリ-トッタベツ間氷期
- (92) 網走湖周邊の冲積層
- 本邦古生層中の火山岩類について:第3報 二畳系
- 本邦古生層中の火山岩類について:第2報 石炭系
- 本邦古生層中の火山岩類について:第1報 ゴトランド・デヴォン系
- 南部北上山地における古生代の火山活動
- 鬼丸統の問題
- 北上山地におけるシルリア紀化石の新産地
- 討論の要約と論評
- 日本列島の地質構造に関する諸問題
- ポズナンとワルソワについて
- 腕足類Elythidae Fredericks 1924の分類について
- 第四紀末葉の海水面変動と日本列島の古地理
- 日本列島の最後の陸橋(討論会-日本列島の第四紀にまつわる諸問題,20回記念総会「第四紀」討論会)
- 洞爺第2浮石流の噴出年代 : 日本の第四紀層の^C年代 XXVII
- ユーゴスラビヤのNeoschwagerina帯
- ユーゴスラビヤの古生界概説
- 秋吉の赤色凝灰質頁岩中に長谷川美行氏の発見した化石
- 北海道檜山郡・上ノ国村のFusulinella
- 十文字階に Nymphaeoblastus anossofi YAKOVLEV 産す
- 花崗礫岩からみた日本の3つの造山運動
- 鹿児島県竜水・磯附近の地質(特に姶良カルデラの熔結凝灰岩について)
- グリン・タフ地域の基盤
- 本邦熔結凝灰岩の研究:第1報 熱郛熔結凝灰岩について
- 石炭・二疊紀における日本列島周辺の古地理
- Halysites石灰岩の新発見
- チュウ積層の厚さ
- 新潟平野における晩期第四系の年齢
- 北海道における鮮新-洪積世の火山活動の時代 (前期洪積世の諸問題(特集)) -- (日本各地の下部洪積統)