- 論文の詳細を見る
It has recently become possible to discuss the mechanism of formation of geological structure on the basis of kinematical theory or analytical study in the field. These researches have made progress in connection with the discussion on regional tectonics as reviewed below. 1) Analytical study of geological structure: To establish the method for analysing the tectonic stress states was the important problem. For this purpose, analytical studies of conjugate joints or faults were introduced (HOSHINO, 1965; HIRAYAMA & KAKIMI, 1965). Many stress systems were described in the same area, and historical process of their formation was investigated (Fig. 1). Magnitude or sense of fault displacement was also another important problem. KODAMA (1974) and KAKIMI (1980) discussed it as related to crustal deformation. Regional stress fields which prevailed over island arc during the Neogene were analyzed with "dyke method" (NAKAMURA, 1969). They are considered to be N-S trend tensional type in the early stage, but later changed to E-W trend compressional type (TAKEUCHI, 1977). Since NAGUMO (1966) and others introduced kinematical theories of buckling fold (BIOT, 1961; RAMBERG, 1964), the relations between wavelength and thickness of competent layers were investigated in the field (KOMATSU, 1969; KATO, 1970). Mechanism of buckling fold was also discussed in relation to the existence of minor reverse faults (KINUGASA & KAKIMI, 1972) or neutral surface (Fig. 2). IKEDA & SHIMAMOTO (1974) and SHIMAMOTO (1982) examined their mechanism with model experiments (Fig. 3). SUZUKI et al. (1971) showed that the anticlines of the first class in Niigata Tertiary basin were formed by vertical movement of the basement blocks. Presice survey by NAKAMURA (1982) revealed that folds were initiated to the unit of the sedimentary basin, and developed by tilting of the basement blocks (Fig. 4). Recently another type of folding mechanism has been proposed. KUNIYASU (1981) showed that an anticline was formed step by step by alternative flexures of each wing, SHIBUYA & SHINADA (1985) examined the process by precise analysis of Sakuna anticline in Boso Peninsula. II) Study of the formation of the late Cenozoic sedimentary basins: During the recent twenty years, the studies on the formation of sedimentary basins have advanced particularly in the field of the Green Tuff and Quaternary basins. Recent offshore surveys also contributed to these researches. Mechanism of formation of sedimentary basins can be classified into the following six types. Warped basins were formed at the syncline of foundation fold (MAKIYAMA,1965) under the horizontal compression of the crust. This type of deformation has been discussed in Osaka Bay (Fig. 5). Tectonic history of the Kinki area was summarized by HUZITA (1973). Collapse basins form a relative depression surrounded by faults and its process and mechanism have been summarized by FUJITA (1960, 1971). He considered that their origin is ascribed to the dome like upheavals of the crust. Tilted basins appear near boundaries of tilted blocks of the crust (Fig. 8). TAKEUCHI (1978) explained that these basins were formed by the movement along cylindrical faults (Fig. 9). YANO (1983) considered that these basins were developed along antithetic faults which were formed by regional warping of the island arc (Fig. 10). Volcano-tectonic depressions are simillar in shape to the collapse basins, but are correlated with igneous activities. Green Tuff basins are the representatives and their mechanism are confirmed in many areas. "Shogi-daoshi-structure" is summarized as a type of sedimentary structure in which the center of maximum depression uniquely shifts toward a certain direction (FUJITA, 1951; YAN0, 1982). Two types of mechanisms have been proposed. One is the wavelike shifting of crustal depression (FUJITA, 1973a; KUWABARA, 1979; KAWABE; 1983), and the other is the unidirectional expanding of strained area on the hinge of crustal
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1985-03-30
- 長野県北部荒倉山周辺における鮮新世の火山活動
- 菱刈鉱山の鉱脈群の形成場
- 北海道苫小牧沖海域の地質構造形成過程の特性
- 東京湾の地質と地質構造
- 382 琉球弧の構造運動の深部過程について
- 487 堆積時の褶曲の成長と褶曲の形成機構について
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- 南関東の新第三系中に発達する褶曲の形態的特性 : 構造地質
- 数理地質学的アプロ-チ--深部断裂型貯留構造評価のための総合解析システムの開発--特にテクトニック・フラクチャ-の解析とその流体移動に及ぼす効果について (資源評価のための3次元モデリング手法に関する研究-2-地球物理学的・数理地質学的アプロ-チ)
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- 41. 瀬戸内中新統浪形層の堆積環境と相対的海水準変動
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- コンピュータによる地質構造解析 : 特に隆起・陥没の形成機構試論 : 構造地質
- 476 関東平野の基盤地塊単元と地震時の挙動(環境地質)
- 九州地方の地震の発震機構と地質構造・造構運動との関係 : 構造地質
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- 後期新生代堆積盆地の構造的分類(後期新生代堆積盆地の形態と形成機構-傾動盆地を中心にして-)
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- 170 三浦・房総半島における褶曲帯形成のテクトニクス
- 515 成長褶曲の形成と基盤運動
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- 新生代地質構造の研究
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- 272 東北日本における島弧-海溝系形成の運動像と力学像(構造地質)
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