Subbottom structure in the eastern Japan Basin:Preliminary reports of the Japan-USSR Joint Japan Sea Geophysical Research
IFREE, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Suyehiro Kiyoshi
Ifree Japan Agency For Marine-earth Science And Technology
Shimamura Kiyoshi
Ifree Japan Agency For Marine-earth Science And Technology
Shimamura Kiyoshi
School of Agriculture,Kyushu Tokai University
- Report on DELP 1985 Cruises in the Japan Sea : Part VII : Topography and Geology of the Yamato Basin and Its Vicinity
- Aftershock observation of the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake by using dense ocean bottom seismometer network
- Aftershock distribution of the 26 December 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake from ocean bottom seismographic observation
- Report on DELP 1987 Cruises in the Ogasawara Area : Part III : Seismic Refraction Experiment Using Airgun-OBSH for Fine Crustal Structure across the Ogasawara Trough along East-West Track Line
- Report on DELP 1987 Cruises in the Ogasawara : Part II : Seismic Reflection Studies in the Ogasawara Trough
- Report on DELP 1986 Cruises in the Northwestern Pacific : Part II: Oceanic Crust of the Basin
- Report on DELP 1987 Cruises in the Ogasawara Area : Part IV : Explosion Seismic Refraction Studies
- Hypocenter distribution of plate boundary zone off Fukushima, Japan, derived from ocean bottom seismometer data
- Report on DELP 1985 Cruises in the Japan Sea : Part II : Seismic Refraction Experiment Conducted in the Yamato Basin, Southeast Japan Sea
- Nature and growth rate of the Northern Izu-Bonin (Ogasawara) arc crust and their implications for continental crust formation
- Ocean Downhol Seismic Project
- Implications from the seismic crustal structure of the northern Izu-Bonin arc
- Aftershocks and Faults of the Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake beneath Akashi Strait (The 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake(Part 1))
- Report on DELP 1985 Cruises in the Japan Sea : Part III : Seismic Reflection Studies in the Yamato Basin and the Yamato Rise Area
- Subbottom structure in the eastern Japan Basin:Preliminary reports of the Japan-USSR Joint Japan Sea Geophysical Research
- Aftershock distribution of the 26 December 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake from ocean bottom seismographic observation