北海道及び朝鮮の第三紀層より Pteroceltis 屬化石の發見
- 論文の詳細を見る
In this article the writers reported the occurrence of Samarae of Pteroceltis from the Tertiary rocks of Hokkaido and Tyosen., One(fig.,1) is derived from the Kunnui Series of Abura, Prov., Siri-besi, Hokkaido; this is unfortunately very fragmentary, but the resemblance to the samarae of modern Pteroceltis Tartarinowii MAXIM.,(fig.,3) is in no small degree grest, though ours is decidedly larger in size compared with the living one., Another one(flg.,2, 2a) is derived from the Engelhardtia bed of Kokangen, northeastern Tyosen; this is rather perfectly preserved and is very closely allied to the samarae of the living species., The writers wish to call these fossil types from Hokkaido and Tyosen under the name Pteroceltis? sp., and P., sp., cfr., P., Tartarinowii MAXIM., respectively.,
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1942-05-20
- 男鹿半島双六層より植物化石の發見 (豫報)
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- Saburo Oishi : On "Dicksoniopteris" Naumanni NATHORST
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