- 論文の詳細を見る
We can write relative axial lengths of strain ellipses on mutually non-parallel sections A, B and C as, for example, the ratio of the axial length of the short axis of strain ellipse on the section A by using the method of Gendzwill and Stauffer (1981). If projections of a strain ellipsoid on to the sections A, B and C are strain ellipses, the points which lie on the arc of the strain ellipses should be satisfied to lie on a surface of the ellipsoid ax^2+2bxy+2czx+dy^2+2eyz+hz^2=1. The best fit strain ellipsoid for these points can be computed using the method of least square. The method is simple and clear in theory and need less input data than the method using strain ellipses on three mutually perpendicular sections developed by Shimamoto and Ikeda (1976).Gendzwill and Stauffer(1981)の方法を用いると,互いに平行しない断面A,B,C上での歪楕円の軸長の相対長を,例えば,A面の歪楕円の短軸の軸長を1として表すことができる.歪楕円体の各断面上への投影が歪楕円であるならば,こうして得られた歪楕円上のいくつかの点は楕円体αx^2+2bxy+2czx+dy^2+2eyz+hz^2=1を満足するはずである.これらの点に最も良く合致する歪楕円体を最小2乗法で求めることができる.この方法は理論的に単純明解で,直交する3断面上の歪楕円を用いるShimamoto and Ikeda (1976)の方法よりも入力データを必要としない.
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1994-02-15
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