- 論文の詳細を見る
The coal-beainq Tertiary in the area is the Suzuka group which includes two formations, the lower, the Kabuto and the upper, the Akira., TheKabuto formation may be divided into the following members in ascending order: Hudesute conglomerate (300m), Kannonyama complex of conglomerate and sandstone (500m), Hagiwara alternation of sandstone and mudstone (350m+) - Hamaebayama boulder conglomerate (180m?, an especiallized facies in the Hagiwara alternation)., It seems to be deposited in freshwaters as indicated by the occurrence of many freshwater shells and plant leaves in the Hagiwara alternation., Among these shells, two species, Arconaia hosonoi Suzuki et OYAMA and Crislaria kuboi, SUZUKI ET OYAMA are determined., Whereas the Akira formation, which is subdivided into two members, the lower, the Isiyama sandstone and the upper, the Himetani complex of sandstone and mudstone may be marine deposits, because many shallow sea shells such as Volsella akanedaensis (KURODA), Brachidontes n., sp., and Katelysia n., sp., are found from the Himetani member., These fossils indicate most probably the Early Miocene (F_1) age of the Suzuka group.,
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1948-07-20
日本地質学会 | 論文
- 91 横浜南部の金沢八景平潟低地における地形発達史(第四紀)
- 67. 後氷期の北海道東部海岸における温暖種の消長
- 61. 横須賀市佐原にみられる三浦層群基底部の岩相について
- 190 三浦半島北部の上総層群から産出したチシマガイ類の化石について
- 84 横浜南部 金沢八景平潟低地における完新世の環境変遷