- 論文の詳細を見る
There is urgent need for more accurate variation diagram of the optic properties with FeSiO_3 content in the orthorhombic pyroxenes., The writer attempted to construct the diagram on the basis of the most credible date at present (as listed in the Table I) and obtained the rather successfull result as shown in the Fig., 1., The intensity of influence of Al_2O_3, CaO, Na_2O, K_2O, and TiO_2 to the refractive index and optic angle was also discussed and estimated approximately as follows : Al_2O_3 (for Al replacing Mg) : 1% increases the refractive index about 0.,004-0.,007., Al_2O_3 (for Al replacing Si) : 1% increases it about 0.,002., When Na_2O is rich (>0.,2%±), the influence of Al_2O_3 is much little., CaO (for Ca replacing Mg) : 1% decreases st about 0.,002., CaO (for Ca replacing S_1) : 1% decreases it about 0,002., Na_2O : 1% decreases it about 0.,001-0,01 K_2O : 1% increases it about 0.,004., TiO_2 : 1% increases it about 0.,008., Fe_2O_3 (as FeO) / Total FeO : 0.,1 decreases it about 0.,005., The factor decreasing the refractive index may increase the optic angle about X., The detailed discussion should be done refering to the studies on the mother rocks as well as the microcomponents.,
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1948-07-20
- えびの・吉松地域の地震と地質 : 特に霧島火山の構造に関連して
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