- 論文の詳細を見る
Although tarnish and corrosion of dental alloys in the oral fluids have been often discussed in many reports, the behaviour towards the medicines was hardly so far considered. Accidentaly the authors observed tarnish of 14K. gold alloys by some disinfectants. Five kinds of dental alloys and three pure component metals were tested in three disinfectants. Two methods were applied. Dipping test was one and another was electrochemical. In the former the surface tarnish was observed, while in the latter the tendency of corrosion was examined by measuring the current density. The results obtained were summarized as follows ; 1) In dilute tincture of iodine (pharm.) copper alloy, silver alloy and 14. gold alloy were remarkably tarnished. Silver amalgam was tarnished a little but it was corroded. The metals tested were more or less tarnished by this disinfectants. Therefore we have to take care of its usage. 2) In mercurochrome (pharm.) the matals tested were hardly tarnished. This disinfectants may be used safely. 3) In hydrogen peroxide solution (Pharm.) silver alloy and copper alloy were extremely tarnished. Gold alloys were tarnished a little.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 39-1028 台湾先住民族の形質人類学的研究 : 2. アミ族(14 歳)頭顔部の計測について
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