顔面規格写真(側面), 頭部 X 線規格写真(側面), および顎態模型上の計測による数値の比較
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Three laboratory methods are available for the diagnosis and assessment of dental and dentofacial changes that have occcurred due to physiological growth of asubject on one hand and to the effects of any orthodontic treatment given him on the other hand. These are the facial photogrammetry, cephalometric radiography and oriented plaster models of upper and lower jaws. Although each of these methods has its own merit in the study of dental and dentofacial changes, there has hardly been any attempt to correlate sets of data obtained by these methods and bring them into a more integrated system which would possibly furnish more convenient and reliable criteria in diagnosing the orthodontic patients. As an approach to get some informations about such correlation among the three methods, three sets of measurements were respectively made on a total of 149 subjects aged 6 to 20, consisting of 71 males and 78 females, all having nomal occlusion and being the residents of Kitakyushu. FH planes as obtained in the respective method were taken as principal reference in all measurement. The relative distances or depths of points on the FH plane that were obtained by projection from the selected landmarks in the soft and hard tissues of the face were compared and assessed among the three methods. For the purpose of gaining a general trend of age change in the soft and hard tissues of the face, a series of profilograms were constituted for 5 age stages groups covering 6 to 20 years of age for both sexes, utilizing the facial photogrammetry and cephalometric radiographic data. In making the pictures, FH plane was taken as X axis and a vertical line passing porion as origin was taken as Y axis. Followiug conclusions were drawn from the above studies. 1) Of the dental and dentofacial growth as revealed by the three methods, it was particularly noted that the increments measured by the facial photogrammtry proved least as compared to those measured by the remaining methods. This represented that the growth increment in the soft tissues was exceeded by that in the hard tissues. 2) For the determination of upper jaw positions of cephalometric radiography and plaster model on oriented photogrammetry, centrale and subnasale are so far adopted conveniently as reference points. For the determination of lower jaw position, there is sulcus mentolabialis available as reference point. Of these, centrale was found in the present study to be more accurate point of reference in determining the upper jaw position on facial photogrammetry, because the former could be placed more close to the forward limit of upper jaw than the latter. However, in determining the anteroposterior relation of both jaws on facial photogrammetry, subnasale was found to serve as more accurate point of reference in upper jaw, because the growth change of soft tissue thickness at the site of sulcus mentolabialis closely resembled that at the site of subnasale. 3) Comparison of data as obtained from measurement by both cephalometric rabiography and plaster model revealed that the forward inclination of central incisors was accompanied by the increment of distances between the basal bone and gum and between gum and tooth root apices in both upper and lower jaws of subjects except for those in the stage of deciduous dentition. 4) In subjects older than those having deciduous dentition, the increment by growth of upper jaw as measured by cephalometric radiography was approximately equal to the increment as measured by oriented plaster model.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1968-03-31
- 治療成績よりみた難しい反対咬合と易しい反対咬合の形態的特徴について
- 上顎前突の治療に顎内顎間固定法を用い夫々異なつた反応を示した 2 症例について
- 41. 反対咬合の治療前後の分析(第 25 回九州歯科学会総会抄録)
- 36. 頤部記録装置(T・Y 顎態模型調製器の附属品)について(九州歯科学会総会抄録)
- 前歯部叢生治療に用いる新装置 Clip Appliance について(九州歯科学会総会)
- 顎態模型調製器(第 17 回九州歯科学会総会)
- レントゲンセフアロメトリーによる症例分析法(第 17 回九州歯科学会総会)
- 顎態模型による分柝(その 2) : 治療前後の歯列弓の大きさと歯槽基底部の大きさの関係(九州歯科学会総会)
- 下顎運動記録器(第 17 回九州歯科学会総会)
- 矯正用帯環の規格化(第 17 回九州歯科学会総会)
- 30. レントゲンセフアログラムの基準点を口腔内に設定する方法(第 26 回 九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- 19. 正常咬合を有する者の顎, 顔面の形態について : 北九州地区と他地区との比較(第 28 回 九州歯科学会総会ならびに学術講演会)
- 顔面規格写真(側面), 頭部 X 線規格写真(側面), および顎態模型上の計測による数値の比較
- 90. 側貌顔面規格写真(側面), 頭部 X 線規格写真(側面)および顎態模型上の計測による数値の比較
- 27. 矯正治療前後の顎態模型分析(第 23 回九州歯科学会総会)
- 8. 眼耳平面に投影した Contact Points Line について(第 21 回九州歯科学会総会講演示説, 抄録)
- 開咬の新療法(第 19 回 九州歯科学会総会)