歯ブラシの歯肉マッサージ効果に関する実験的研究(第 1 報)
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The purpose of this study was to prove the relationship between gingival massage with a toothbrush and increased protection of gingiva. Fifteen clinical students with a healthy gingiva participated in this study. The maxillary left incisors, canines and labial marginal gingiva were decided as the experimental side and the right side as the control. The participants stopped their oral hygiene during the experiment, but an examiner performed gingival massage twice every day. At the gingival massage, the examined teeth were covered with a vinyl chloride plate in order not to remove the plaque. The schedule of this study was as follows : 1. Preliminary period. (20 days, scaling, brushing and flossing once every day) 2. Experiment period. (30 days ; gingiva of the experimental side was stimulated with a toothbrush twice every day) Plaque score was evaluated according to the P.I. (Loe & Silness) every fourth day and gingival condition was evaluated according to G.I. (Loe & Silness) every second day by the examiner. Also gingival exudate was scored on 0, 14th, 22nd and 30th day and gingival pocket depth was scored on 0, 14th and 30th day. During the experiment, there was no significant difference between the P.I. of the experimental and control sides, but gingival inflammation of the experimental side developed more mildly and slowly than that of the control side.
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