- 論文の詳細を見る
In recent years, the concept of quality of life has been firmly established from the standpoint of aesthetics, function, and rehabilitation. With advances in patients' ages, limited surgery has been desirable. It is therefore important to plan the surgical safety margin which is radical yet minimal. It is suggested that blood vessels, lymph vessels, and peripheral nerve fibers next to the carcinoma tissue are involved in spread of carcinoma for the carcinoma of the tonques to invade and grow. Studies on involvement of peripheral nerve fibers however have been few. VX_2 carcinoma was transplanted into the tonque of domestic rabbits and invasion and growth of the carcinoma tissue and changes in peripheral nerve fibers were investigated neurohistologically. The results were as follows : 1. Vascular invasion by VX_2 carcinoma of the tongue was observe in the veins two weeks after transplantation. VX_2 carcinoma tissue destroyed the walls of veins and penetrated into and grew in the lumina. Invasion was seen in the arteries three weeks after transplantation. VX_2 carcimona tissue destroyed tunica externa and tunica media, and invaded into and grew in the walls of arteries. However, findings of destruction of tunica intima or of penetration into and growth in the lumina by VX_2 carcinoma tissue were not observed. 2. No nerve bundles or nerve fibers were observed in the region of the tongue where necrosis and cytolysis of VX_2 carcinoma tissue occurred. Where regressive changes in VX_2 carcinoma tissue were seen, many severely degenerated nerve bundles and nerve fibers were observed. At the margin of VX_2 carcinoma tissue where growth was active in the tongue, nerve bundles and nerve fibers, intact and slightly degenerated like swelling, meandering, winding and beading, were both seen one week after transplantation. By week, increase was seen in nerve bundles and nerve fibers with severe degeneration such as fragmentation, hypochromatosis, and granular decomposition. 3. Many of the nerve bundles and nerve fibers in the region next to or near VX_2 carcinoma tissue in the tongue were intact one week after transplantation. By week, however, those showing severe degeneration such as fragmentation, hypochromatosis, and granular decomposition increased in number. 4. In the region toward the tongue root and distant from VX_2 carcinoma tissue, no changes were seen in nerve bundles and nerve fibers. In contrast, in the region toward the tongue tip and distant from VX_2 carcinoma tissue, slight degeneration was seen on the transplanted side one week after transplantation and the degeneration increased in severity by week. On the non-transplanted side, degeneration due to proliferation of the transplant was seen three weeks after transplantation and severity of the degeneration intensified four weeks after transplantation. 5. Distribution of nerve fibers in VX_2 carcinoma tissue became sparser by week with proliferation of VX_2 carcinoma tissue from one week after transplantation. In the region next to or near VX_2 carcinoma tissue also, distribution became sparse with growth of VX_2 carcinoma tissue. In contrast, in the region toward the tongue root and distant from VX_2 carcinoma tissue, neither the transplanted side nor non-transplanted side was affected by growth of VX_2 carcinoma tissue and no changes in distribution were seen. In the region toward the tongue tip and distant from VX_2 carcinoma tissue, however, the distribution of nerve fibers on the transplanted side decreased from one week after transplantation and became sparser by week. On the non-transplanted side also, distribution decreased from three weeks after transplantation and became sparser at four weeks. 6. Invasion and growth of VX_2 carcinoma tissue in nerve bundle occurred roughly in two ways. In one, invasion and growth occurred through perineurium by surrounding or pressing against nerve bundles. In the other, invasion and growth occurred through endoneurium by destroying perineurium. Extent of invasion by and growth of VX_2 carcinoma tissue in nerve bundles preceeded that in muscularis. 7. On the basis of the foregoing findings, most nerve fibers showed severe degeneration gradually along with invasion and growth of VX_2 carcinoma tissue in the tongue. Invasion by and growth of VX_2 carcinoma tissue in the tongue was found to spread along peripheral nerve bundles and to preceed invasion and growth in muscularis. These findings therefore revealed the involvement of nerve bundles and provide new indications in planning the surgical safety margin for surgical resection of carcinoma of the tongue.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1991-02-25
- 舌扁平上皮癌における原発巣の深さと病理組織学的な予後因子との関連
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- 10 口腔扁平上皮癌の潜在性頸部リンパ節転移の検討 : 予防的頸部郭清術の適応について
- 14 口腔粘膜疾患の臨床的検討 : Candida とのかかわり
- 口腔扁平上皮癌の臨床病理組織学的検討 : 生検と切除標本との関連性について
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- 手術療法を主体とした舌扁平上皮癌の治療成績
- 9. 口腔粘膜疾患における金属アレルギー検査(第 62 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- 9 口腔粘膜疾患における金属アレルギー検査
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- 3. 遊離前腕皮弁を用いて即時再建を行った口腔癌の 2 例(第 61 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
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