- 論文の詳細を見る
For formation of artificial dental arch, roughly two methods are available : anatomical indices as reference and use of physiological functions. Therefore, positional relation among the anatomical alveolar ridge crest of the mandible, the prosthetic alveolar ridge crest which is the median point of the buccolingual alveolar ridge, and the median point of the neutral zone was investigated with use of 33 edentulous subjects. Natural teeth are said to erupt at positions where tongue, cheek, and lip pressures are equal and to form the dentition. This theory appears to be comparable with the theory of the neutral zone for edentulous subjects. Morphology and area of the tongue space, therefore, were compared in 78 normal dentulous subjects and 33 edentulous subjects. The results were as follows : 1. Length, width, and area of the tongue space in edentulous subjects were 40.4±3.5mm, 52.1±3.7mm, and 1354±209mm^2, respectively, for male ; 39.6±3.4mm, 52.1±2.9mm, and 1265±210mm^2, respectively, for female. No significant difference between male and female was found for all the items measured. Values of measurement tended to decrease with aging. This tendency was found to be closely related with reduction in physiological functions. 2. The anatomical alveolar ridge crest and the prosthetic alveolar ridge crest were located about 2mm more lingually than the neutral zone taken by use of physiological functions. 3. Length, width, and area of the tongue space in normal dentulous subjects were 43.8±2.2mm, 45.0±2.6mm, and 1437±114mm^2, respectively, for male ; 43.1±2.7mm, 42.5±1.6mm, and 1334±116mm^2, respectively, for female. 4. On the basis of the foregoing findings, the tongue space at the neutral zone in edentulous subjects, as compared with the tongue space of normal dentulous subjects, was shorter in length and considerably wider.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1987-04-25
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