Minor Tooth Movement 後の補綴臨床例
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In Prosthodontic cases, there are some patients who need minor tooth movement because of abnormal tooth position and/or inclination. Recently we had a chance to treat the female patient whose upper left central incisor had been extracted about six years ago and opposite teeth was disarranged. On this case, first, left lower central incisor was extracted according to the X-Ray diagnosis and examination of study model. Then the minor tooth movement was applied to the lower anterior teeth by means of multibanded system. After the orthodontic treatment was finished, the upper right central incisor and left lateral incisor was prepared for the bridge construction and hydrocolloid impression was taken. The working model was made of hard plaster and mounted on the Tsubone's MS type articulator which was improved for the purpose of crown, bridge and partial denture construction and diagnosis of occlusion. According to the diagnosis of occlusion on the articulator, the patient's occlusion was group functioned occlusion. Therefore the same occlusion pattern was given to the metal bonded porcelain bridge and set. In this case, minor tooth movement was not applied to the abutment teeth but to the opposite teeth related to the pontic. This article describe a method of making a satisfactory bridge in occlusion and appearance to this patient.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1976-09-30
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- Minor Tooth Movement 後の補綴臨床例
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