パノラマ X 線撮影による上顎洞後壁部破壊性病変の検出に関する実験的研究
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The radiographic examination of maxillary sinus pathosis is usually accomplished by the Waters' projection, postero-anterior projection, and computed tomography. However, some lesions in the maxillary sinus may be better shown by panoramic radiography. In this study a comparison in detection of bony destruction in the maxillary sinus of dry human skulls was made experimentally using panoramic radiography and Waters' projection. In the panoramic radiography two skull positions were employed : one with the Frankfort plane kept horizontally and the other with the Frankfort plane tilted 10°downward. Bony destruction was created in the center region, the medio-super region (adjacent to the pterygopalatine fossa), the latero-inferior region (above the maxillary tuberosity), and the lateral region (adjacent to the zygomatic process of the maxilla) of the posterior wall of the maxillary sinus and the zygomatico-alveolar region of the maxilla. Bony defects with diameters of 5mm, 7mm, and 10mm were usd to simulate bony destruction in the region of the maxillary sinus posterior wall. The results were as follows : 1. Bony destruction, with diameters of 5mm and 7mm in center region of the maxillary sinus posterior wall, were not detected in either position of panoramic radiography. However, bony destructions, with a diameter of 10mm in the center region of the posterior wall was detected by panoramic radiography when the Frankfort plane was kept horizontally, but not when the plane was tilted 10° dawnward. None of the 5mm, 7mm, and 10mm bony destructions were detected by the Waters' projection. 2. Bony destructions, with a diamter of 5mm in the medio-superior region (adjacent to the pterygopalatine fossa) of the maxillary sinus posterior wall was not detected in either position of panoramic radiography. However, bony destructions of 7mm and 10mm were detected in both positions of the panoramic radiography. Waters' projection was unable to detect bony destructions with diameters of 5mm, 7mm, and 10mm. 3. Bony destructions, with diameters of 5mm, 7mm, and 10mm in the latero-inferior region (above the maxillary tuberosity) of the maxillary sinus posterior wall, were detected in both positions of panoramic radiography. However, bony destructions, with diameters of 5mm, 7mm, and 10mm in the latero-inferior region of the posterior wall, were not detected by Waters' projection. 4. Bony destruction, with a diameter of 5mm in the lateral region (adjacent to the zygomatic process of the maxilla) of the posterior wall, was not detected by Waters' projection, but bony destructions, with diameters of 7mm and 10mm were detected by Waters' projection. Bony destructions, with diameters of 5mm, 7mm, and 10mm in the lateral region of the posterior wall, were not detected in either position of panoramic radiography. 5. Bony destructions, with diameters of 5mm, 7mm, and 10mm in the zygomatico-alveolar region of the maxilla, were detected in both positions of panoramic radiograpy and Waters' projection.
- 1989-06-25
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- パノラマ X 線撮影による上顎洞後壁部破壊性病変の検出に関する実験的研究 : 主論文の要旨
- パノラマ X 線撮影による上顎洞後壁部破壊性病変の検出に関する実験的研究
- サブトラクション法の唾液腺造影診断への応用