歯髄内 LPS 投与による根尖部歯槽骨吸収時のインターロイキン 1 の分布
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Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is thought to be an inducer of periodontal disease accompanied with bone resorption. In the cell culture experiments, LPS stimulated several kinds of cells to produce interleukin 1 (IL-1), which was thought to be a local inducer of bone resorption. The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between IL-1 and bone resorption which was induced by the application of LPS in vivo. LPS was applied into dental pulp of rats and tooth and periodontal tissues of the rats were studied immunopathologically with anti-IL-1 antibody. Results obtained were as follows : 1. Peritoneal macrophages were isolated from rats and their production of IL-1 was stimulated by the incubation with sillica. Polyclonal anti-human IL-1 cross-reacted with IL-1 of the macrophages of rats. 2. In control rats, the reaction of anti-IL-1 was recognized in the whole soft tissues in tooth and periodontal tissues. 3. At 1 week after LPS application, degenerated layer appeared close to the part of application in dental pulp and the reaction with anti-IL-1 was recognized outside the layer. 4. At 2 weeks after LPS application, the degenerated layer enlarged. The reaction with anti-IL-1 was recognized in the layer. 5. At 3 weeks after LPS application, the degenerated layer enlareged to the apical crest and the inflammatory cells were recognized at the apical crest. The reaction with anti-IL-1 was strong between apical crest and alveolar bone. The lacunae by resorption were seen on the surface of surrounding bone. 6. At 4 weeks after LPS application, focus was formed at the apical periodontal membrane. The reaction with anti-IL-1 was recognized outside the focus. 7. At 5 weeks after LPS application, the focus at the apical enlarged and the fibers at the periodontal membrane were disordered. The reaction with anti-IL-1 was recognized both the focus and the periodontal membrane. Bone resorption enlarged at the focus and the lacunae appeared even in the bone surface at the level of a half of the root. These results show that LPS applied in vivo induced the local production of IL-1. It seemed that the appearance of IL-1 was closely related with the occurance of bone resorption.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1989-04-25
- 歯髄内 LPS 投与による根尖部歯槽骨吸収時のインターロイキン 1 の分布 : 主論文の要旨
- 歯髄内 LPS 投与による根尖部歯槽骨吸収時のインターロイキン 1 の分布
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