- 論文の詳細を見る
For the purpose of investigating the effect of marginal morphology of crown prostheses on the periodontal tissue, four types of cast crowns, with the finishing line at 0.5mm below the gingival crest, were made and a setting experiment was conducted in the premolar of the dog. The following crowns were used ; Group I : The fit of crown margin was confirmed at wax pattern taking and polishing, under the stereoscopic microscope ; Group II : The margin of the crown for Group I was grounded slightly with silicon points to make it smooth and round ; Group III : The fit of the margin was confirmed macroscopically ; Group IV : Marked overhang was provided at the margin. Observations were made for 1, 3, and 12 months and histopathological changes, due to difference in fit of the margin, in the periodontium were examined. Furthermore, microstructural changes in the epithelial layer of the gingival sulcus and at the cervical margin were observed under the scanning electron microscopy. The results were as follows : 1. In Groups I and II, no changes in the tissue structure in three months were as in controls. In 12-month cases, inflammatory cells were found in the lamina propria under the epithelial layer of the gingival sulcus. However, no difference was found between the two group. 2. In Groups III and IV, changes in the tissue structure were seen since early stages and inflammation extended with time. Greater inflammatory changes were found in Group IV than in Group III. 3. The thickness of the cementum layer at the margin averaged 58.3μm in Group I, 52.8μm in Group II, 113.3μm in Group III, and 125.6μm in Group IV. 4. The surface of the epithelial layer of the gingival sulcus in Groups I and II was relatively flat and cell borders were relatively clear. The portion corresponding to the crown margin was protruded in Group III and depressed in Group IV. In both groups cell borders were unclear and cellular space was expanded. 5. The margins were sharp like a knife-edge in Group I and round and smooth in Group II. Neither group showed deposits such as plaque on the margin. In Groups III and IV, the margins were irregular, and grinding scratches were found. Deposits increased with time. 6. Deposits were found on the surface of cementum in every group and increased markedly with time in Groups III and IV.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1988-12-25
- 27. 歯科用骨補填材アクトセラム K の臨床応用 : 抜歯窩に応用した症例について(第 51 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- P∿27 歯科用骨補填材アクトセラム K の臨床応用 : 抜歯窩に応用した症例について
- ハイブリッドセラミックスの摩耗に関する研究
- 28. HAP Coated Blade Implant (SUMICIKON) を応用した 1 症例(第 51 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- P∿28 HAP Coated Blade Implant (SUMICIKON) を応用した 1 症例
- 二重冠方式クラウン・ブリッジの臨床応用
- 歯牙切削時における歯髄腔内の温度変化
- 17. オールセラミッククラウン・ブリッジの臨床例(第 51 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- 17∿1124 オールセラミッククラウン・ブリッジの臨床例
- ハイブリッドセラミックスの摩耗に関する研究
- 歯冠前装用材料の耐摩耗性について
- 九州歯科大学附属病院補綴科来院患者の統計的観察(1979∿1983 年) : 第 3 報歯冠修復物について
- 粉末冶金を応用する新しい形式の二重冠 : 第2報 表面性状について
- 11. 歯冠修復物製作に対する意識調査(第 55 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- ポンティック基底面形態の製作に関する実態調査 : 第1報 リッジラップ型について
- 11∿0942 歯冠修復物製作に対する意識調査
- ポンティック下部顎堤形態保持のための多孔性ハイドロキシアパタイト顆粒の抜歯窩応用
- 14. 鋳造冠の辺縁形態が歯肉に及ぼす影響 第2報
- 1-2-12. 鋳造冠の辺縁形態が歯肉におよぼす影響(第1報)(第77回日本補綴歯科学会学術大会講演要旨)
- 鋳造冠の辺縁形態が歯肉に及ぼす影響 : 主論文の要旨
- 鋳造冠の辺縁形態が歯肉に及ぼす影響