- 論文の詳細を見る
After single crystal alminum oxide implant was inserted on the mandibles of adult monkeys, the implant head was cemented to the superprostheses. Under occlusal function, healing process and adaptation of the surrounding tissue of the implant were examined clinically, roentogenographically, histopathologically, and scanning electron microscopically, from one week to six months, after implantation. The results were as follows : 1. The gingiva surrounding the implant satisfactorily healed macroscopically and showed finding similar to those of the neighboring teeth following two months after implantation. Between three and six months, the depth of the surrounding gingival pocket was in the range of 0.2-1.0 mm and showed no great difference from those of the neighboring teeth. Formation of deep pockets were not observed. 2. Roentogenographically, at one and two weeks after implantation, the findings of tissue destruction were observed around the implant. However, after one month, the newly generated bone formation was prominent and, after three months, there was the evidence of thin radiolucent areas around the implant in four of six cases. In the remaining two cases, the border was indistinct. 3. The attached epithelium adjacent to the implant was elongated slightly more downward than that of the neighboring teeth and clongation as deep as the screw thread area was observed only in a total of three cases, two cases after two months and one after three months. However, only two or three layers were ranged downward in all and no prominent hyperplasia or proliferation was observed. 4. In the lamina propria of the gingiva, the connective fibers were densely arranged surrounding the implant but ran in parallel to the implant axis at the area adjacent to the implant. 5. At the screw thread area, the implant was in direct contact with the bone in two of five cases after two months, in two of six cases after three months, and in two of four cases after six months. In the remaining cases, interposition of the fibrous connective tissue between the implant and the bone was observed in all. However, the width decreased chronologically and was in the range of 100-250μm after three months, and of 25-100μm after six months. 6. The fibrous connective tissue between the implant and the bone was composed of collagenous fibers. These fibers transformed at one end into which matrix fibers embedded at one end in the bone on the trabecular side but were running in parallel to the implant axis on the implant side. At the screw thread crest where stress was considered to concentrate, the fibers densely arranged. 7. Scanning electron microscopically, there were many amorphous materials and collagenous fibrils, of different sizes. After two weeks, attachment of epithelium cells was observed on the implant surface. After six months, attachment of mature fibroblasts with microvilli and villi was observed. On the basis of the above findings, the surrounding tissue of the implant heals satisfactorily even under occlusal function. It was confirmed that biological sealing is observed at the gingiva and no abnormal findings such as inflammation or bone resorption are observed at the screw thread area. However, for use on a long term, oral hygiene and harmonious occlusion are important and in clinical application, care must be taken.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1984-02-25
- 根尖病巣の神経病理学的研究
- カニクイ猿の乳歯歯根膜の神経分布に関する研究
- インプラント頸部周囲組織に関する病理組織学的考察
- 下唇に発現した形質細胞症の 1 例
- 茎状突起過長症の 1 例
- 口底部に発現した類表皮嚢胞の 1 症例
- 小児における粘液嚢胞の臨床統計的観察
- 上顎洞に発生した粘液嚢胞の 1 症例
- 下顎骨に発現した傍骨性骨肉腫の 1 例
- 両側性に発現した顎下腺唾石症の 2 例
- 口腔領域悪性腫瘍に関する臨床的検討 : 舌癌症例について
- 口蓋島状弁による臼後三角部悪性腫瘍再建の 1 症例
- 15. 口腔に転移した直腸および肝癌の各 1 例(第 52 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- 15∿1100 口腔に転移した肝癌および直腸癌の各 1 例
- 上顎に発現したセメント質形成線維腫の 1 症例
- 23. 口腔扁平上皮癌における腫瘍マーカーと臨床経過について(第 49 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- 23∿1130 口腔扁平上皮癌患者における腫瘍マーカーについての検討 : 臨床経過との関連性について
- 口腔領域悪性腫瘍に関する臨床的検討 : とくに 70 歳以上の高齢者癌について
- 当科におけるエプーリスの臨床的観察
- 33. 口腔癌診断におけるトルイジンブルー生体染色の評価(第 48 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- 20. 当科における口腔領域悪性腫瘍患者の臨床的検討 : 舌癌症例について(第 48 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- 20∿1120 教室における口腔領域悪性腫瘍患者の臨床的検討 : 舌癌について
- P∿33 口腔癌診断における Toluidine blue 生体染色の評価
- 23. 口腔領域悪性腫瘍患者における腫瘍マーカーについての検索(第 47 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
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- 35. 口腔癌に対する制癌剤の局所注入療法の試み(第 49 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- P∿35 口腔癌に対する制癌剤の局所注入療法の試み
- ハイドロキシアパタイト顆粒による歯槽堤形成後に知覚異常を訴えた 1 症例
- 3. 顎・口腔領域における骨欠損腔に対する各種骨補填材の検討(第 47 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- P∿3 顎・口腔領域における骨欠損腔に対する各種骨補填材の検討
- 舌癌 (VX2癌) の頸部リンパ節転移に関する実験的研究
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- P∿36 当科における医用生体材料の応用例について
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