頬骨骨折における X 線撮影法の検討
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The malar bone is a very common site in the facial bone fractures. Many radiographic techniques are available for the detection of malar fractures, such as Waters' projection, postero-anterior projection, submento-vertical projection, occipito-mental projection, pantomography, etc. It is relatively difficult to select the correct radiographic technique for the detection of malar fractures. The purpose of this study is to compare the diagnostic accuracy of individual radiographic technique. The results obtained are as follows : 1. Waters' projection is an excellent technique for the detection of malar fractures except a zygomatic arch fracture. 2. Submento-vertical projection is excellent for the detection of a fracture of the zygomatic arch. 3. Postero-anterior projection is an inadequate technique for the detection of malar fractures. 4. Occipito-mental projection is an adequate technique for the detection of malar fractures except a fracture of the zygomaticofrontal suture region. 5. Pantomography is a poor radiographic technique for the detection of malar fractures. But it is a better radiographic technique for the detection of a posterior wall fracture of the maxillary sinus.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1981-09-25
三吉 聖一朗
三吉 聖一朗
清水 国男
沼 定明
田中 豊秋
田中 治邦
清水 國男
宇根岡 実
宇根岡 実
九州歯科大学 歯放射線
清水 国男
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