- 論文の詳細を見る
The author described ten rare cases of abnormal speech due to congenital (five cases) or acquired (five cases) velopharyngeal insufficiency in the absence of cleft palate, and with no apparent malformation in the oral and velopharyngeal region. This abnormal speech of the disease is classified generally as hypernasality and articulatory disorders as in the case of cleft palate. Investigation in details on the abnormal speech of the diseased are not yet complete, in Japanese language and sounds. And also, treatment for abnormal speech of the diseased are not well established. The patients with the disease were examined as follows : 1) Hearing test by author's listening to the abnormal speech as to articulation of mono and three syllable sounds, articulation of a set of the same consonant sounds, tendency of abnormal hearing of all of the sounds, intelligibility of two and three syllable words and hypernasality in all cases. 2) Manometric measurement with and without the nostrills closed, in six cases. 3) Analysis on the sounds of electro-sonic observation by the sound-spectrograph as the visible speech, in seven cases. The results were as follows : 1. The abnormal speech of the diseased by the hearing test was similar to the speech of the cleft palate patients : the vowel, semi-vowel, nasal and H-sounds were not so abnormal ; but voiced, voiceless and R-sounds were greatly abnormal. And then, the number of articulation and inteligibility were the same as the cleft palate patient's, the tendency of abnormal speech was found in nasal, vowel and H-sounds in most cases. 2. The amount of nasal escape of the diseased was the same as that of cleft palate patients, therefore, the type of nasal escap was paralled ones in five out of six cases, which was clearly different from cleft palate patients. 3. Analysis of electro-sonic observation confirmed that the abnormalities are in the first parts of the consonant sounds, especially in consonatic wave of voiced, voiceless and R-sounds. The patients were treated with surgical constructive procedure by th velopharyngeal flap operation for narrowing naso-pharyngeal space and decreasing of hypernasality in the speech, or nasal escape. All cases were operated and traeted by the author. After the surgery, the results of hearing test of speech and manometric measnremeut of nasal escape, and of analysis of electro-sonic observation were summerized as follows : a) In the hearing test, all of the articulation (mono, three syllable and consonatic sounds), tendency of abnormal speech, all of the intelligibility (two and three syllable words) and hypernasality by hearing impression were improved clearly in all cases. b) Of the nasal escape of expiration in six cases, a complete elimination was seen in three cases, and the others also improved. c) Judging from analysis by the Sound-spectrograph, consonatic wave in the voiced, voiceless and R-sounds increased remarkably, and similality to the normal sounds on the pattern of Soundspectrogram was confirmed in most cases. As a conclusion, the constructive surgery of velopharyngeal flap operation should be a better procedure of treatment for abnormal speech of the patients with velopharyngeal insufficiency in the absence of cleft palate.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1971-05-31
- 31. 熊本大学歯科口腔外科における過去 5 年間の入院患者の動態について
- 30. 熊大歯科口腔外科における口腔出血の統計的観察
- 29. 上顎前歯部に発現した悪性黒色腫について
- 17. 言語障害患者における音声の自己認識に関する研究(第 1 報)
- 24. アリナミン F の大量投与による顔面神経麻痺の治療経験(第 24 回 九州歯科学会総会抄録)
- 72. 口蓋咽頭弁移植法を行つた口蓋運動麻痺患者例について
- 口腔外科全身麻酔患者における麻酔中体温変化に関する研究(第 1 報)
- 口腔外科領域におけるサーミスター温度計の応用について
- 34. 口腔疾患の電気音響学的観察(第 30 回九州歯科学会総会ならびに学術講演会)
- 非口蓋裂性口蓋咽頭機能不全症の異常音声に関する音声言語学的研究
- 口蓋機能不全に対する PHARYNGEAL FLAP OPERATION とその効果に関する研究
- 1. 口腔外科領域における Thermistor 温度計の応用ついて(九州歯科学会 1 月例会)
- 5. Speech Aid によって著明なる発音の回復をみた晩期口蓋形成の 1 例(九州歯科学会 12 月例会)
- 舌拘縮症を併なったガマ腫の 1 例
- Speech Aid によって著明なる発音の回復をみた晩期口蓋形成の 1 例
- 74. 我教室における過去 2 年間の異常音声の臨床について
- 73. 私の音声言語クリニックにおける過去 2 年間(昭和 40 年 4 月∿昭和 42 年 3 月)の異常音声について
- 51. 口蓋裂患者の発語明瞭度と了解度との関係について
- 2) 歯牙腫 2 例(九州歯科学会 11. 12 月例会)
- 17. 前後 8 回の切開排膿をくりかえした側頸部嚢胞の 1 例(第 26 回 九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- 10. 舌嚢胞を疑われた舌膿瘍の 1 例(第 24 回 九州歯科学会総会抄録)
- 27. 口蓋部に発生した細網腫の 1 例(第 24 回 九州歯科学会総会抄録)
- 所謂姙娠性エプーリスの 1 例
- 25. 先天的眼瞼欠損をともなつた右側完全唇-顎-口蓋裂の 1 例(九州歯科学会総会抄録)
- 臨床的に先天性ガマ腫と診断された甲状舌管遺残性嚢胞の1例
- タイトル無し