火山ガスのリモートセンシング : 火山から放出されるSO_2の測定
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Measurements of mass flow of SO_2 at Asama Volcano were carried out by means of a Barringer correlation spectrometer on April 28, 1974, one year after the eruptive activity. The spectrometer was carried on the Jeep and the scanning was made with its telescope directed vertically along the drive way which runs eastward of the volcano. The wind velocity at the relevant altitude was measured with pilot ballons. Several runs of measurement syielded the total emission of SO_2 from the summit crater as 780 tons/day. Comparing with the previous value (142 tons/day) in June, 1972, SO_2 emission increased remarkably probably as the consequence of the recent eruptive activity. Global discharge of SO_2 to the atmosphere is evaluated as 3×10^7 tons per year. From the volcanological point of view, one of the essential problem is to estimate the bulk discharge of H_2O from the individual volcano. If we carry out the similar observation at a volcano where the mole ratio of H_2O/SO_2 is known, we can evaluate the total emission of H_2O and consequently the thermal energy transported by H_2O from a volcano may be estimated.
- 1975-02-01
- 記念講演会「日本における大気汚染研究の半世紀 : 創世記世代から現役世代へのメッセージ」概要報告
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- G.S.Gorshkov 博士の逝去を悼む
- 火山ガスのリモートセンシング : 火山から放出されるSO_2の測定
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